vs UNAWARENESS ~ Become aware of the physical and spiritual
events taking place around you so that you can make the right response to them.
vs UNCONCERN ~ Show the worth of a
person by giving your undivided attention to their words and emotions.
vs SELF-CENTEREDNESS ~ Adjust your personal responsibilities around
the needs of those you are serving.
4. BOLDNESS vs FEARFULNESS ~ Have confidence that
what you have to say or do is true and right and just in the sight of God.
5. CAUTIOUSNESS vs RASHNESS ~ Know the importance of
right timing to accomplish right actions.
6. COMPASSION vs INDIFFERENCE ~ Invest whatever is necessary to heal other’s
7. CONTENTMENT vs COVETOUSNESS ~ Realize God has provided everything you need
for your present happiness.
8. CREATIVITY vs UNDER-ACHIEVEMENT ~ Apply God’s wisdom & practical insights to
need or task.
9. DECISIVNESS vs DOUBLE-MINDEDNESS ~ Use ability to finalize difficult decisions
based on the will and ways of God.
10. DEFERENCE vs RUDENSS ~ Limit your freedom to
speak/act in order not to offend the tastes of others.
11. DEPENDABILITY vs INCONSISTENCY ~ Fulfill what you consent even if means
unexpected sacrifice.
12. DETERMINATION vs FAINT-HEARTEDNESS ~ Purpose to accomplish God’s goals in God’s
time regardless of the opposition.
13.DILIGENCE vs SLOTHFULNESS ~ Visualize each task as a special assignment
from the Lord and use all your energies to accomplish it.
14.DISCERNMENT vs JUDGMENT ~ Use your God-given
ability to understand why things happen to others and to you.
15.DISCRETION vs SIMPLE-MINDEDNESS ~ Use your ability to avoid words, actions, and
attitudes which could result in undesirable consequences.
16. ENDURANCE vs GIVING UP ~ Develop inward
strength to withstand stress to accomplish God’s best.
17. ENTHUSIASM vs APATHY ~ Express with your
spirit the joy of your soul.
18. FAITH vs PRESUMPTION ~ Visualize what God intends in a given
situation and act in harmony with it.
19. FLEXIBILITY vs RESISTANCE ~Don’t set your affections on ideas or plans
which could be changed by God or others.
20. FORGIVENESS vs REJECTION ~ Clear the record of
those who have wronged you and allow God to love them through you.
21. GENEROSITY vs STINGINESS ~ Realize that all you have belongs to God and
use it for His purposes.
22. GENTLENESS vs HARSHNESS ~ Show personal care and
concern in meeting the needs of others.
23. GRATEFULNESS vs UNTHANKFULNESS ~ Make known to God and others in what ways they
have benefited your life.
24. HOSPITALITY vs LONELINESS ~ Cheerfully share food, shelter, and spiritual
refreshment with those whom God brings into your life.
25. HUMILITY vs PRIDE ~ See the contrast
between God’s holiness and your sinfulness.
26. INITIATIVE vs UNRESPONSIVENESS ~ Recognize and do what needs to be done before asked
to do it.
27. JOYFULNESS vs SELF-PITY ~ Know that God is
perfecting His life in others through you.
28. JUSTICE vs FAIRNESS ~ Display personal
responsibility to God’s unchanging laws.
29. LOVE vs SELFISHNESS ~ Give to others basic needs without having
personal reward as your motive.
30. LOYALTY vs UNFAITHFULNESS ~ Use difficult times to demonstrate loyalty to
God and to those whom He has called you to serve.
31. MEEKNESS vs ANGER ~ Yield your personal
rights and expectations to God.
32. OBEDIENCE vs WILLFULNESS ~ Fulfill instructions so that God and the one
you are serving will be fully satisfied.
33. ORDERLINESS vs DISORGANIZATION ~ Arrange your life and surroundings so that God
has maximum freedom to achieve His goals through you.
34. PATIENCE vs RESTLESSNESS ~ Accept a difficult situation w/o giving God a
deadline to remove it.
35. PERSUASIVENESS vs CONTENTIOUSNESS ~ Use words to confirm to the listener’s spirit
that he is hearing the truth.
36. PUNCTUALITY vs TARDINESS ~ Show respect to others
by using wisely the limited time God has given to them.
37. RESOURCEFULNESS vs WASTEFULNESS ~ Use wisely that which others would normally
overlook or discard.
38. RESPONSIBILITY vs UNRELIABILITY ~ Know/do what both God and others are expecting
of you.
39. REVERENCE vs DISRESPECT ~ Be aware of how God is working through the
people and events in your lie to produce the character of Christ in you.
40. SECURITY vs ANXIETY ~ Structure your life
around the eternal that cannot be destroyed or taken away.
41. SELF-CONTROL vs SELF-INDULGENCE ~ Obey instantly the initial promptings of the
Holy Spirit.
42. SENSITIVITY vs CALLOUSNESS ~ Know by the prompting of God’s Spirit what
words and actions will benefit the lives of others.
43. SINCERITY vs HYPOCRISY ~ Be eager to do what is
right without transparent motives.
44. THRIFTINESS vs EXTRAVAGANCE ~ Do not let yourself or others spend that which
is not necessary.
45. THOROUGHNESS vs INCOMPLETENESS ~ Realize that each of your tasks will be
reviewed and rewarded by God.
View every person as a valuable individual whom God created & loves.
47. TRUST vs HOPELESSNESS ~ Have conviction and
confidence that God has you in the palm of His hand.
48. TRUTHFULNESS vs DECEPTION ~ Earn future trust by
accurately reporting past facts.
49. VIRTUE vs IMPURITY ~ Know that God is having an influence on others through your life regardless of your past failures.
50. WISDOM vs NATURAL INCLINATIONS ~ See and respond to your life from God’s frame
of reference.