Tuesday, May 31, 2016


Danna Shirley
Map of Bermuda
It was 1970 and Ron and I were to be stationed in beautiful, stunning Bermuda for two years. I was excited to be there but after the first weekend, we saw everything there was to see on an island only twenty-one square miles.
We rented a room and had kitchen privileges in a home on the island. Ron worked and I was very bored to wander the house or just hang out in our room. The humidity was so penetrating that if I sat on the bed, I got up with my pants damp.
Thankfully, six weeks later we were on a plane back to the States for a new duty assignment. Another tidbit is that we were on the same flight as the famous singer          Engelbert Humperdinck. We did bring something wonderful back with us, however; our first child was conceived in beautiful, stunning Bermuda.

We would now be stationed in Perryville, Maryland, population 2,091 at this time. Perryville was like any other small town. Main Street was just a block long and the Business District was on the other side of the same street. J  
    We stayed here while Ron attended Prep School. He had been accepted into NESEP, Navy Enlisted Scientific Educational Program, and we would be living in Oxford, MS for the next four years while he attended Ole Miss. Prep School was just three months long; it was an intense indoctrination to prepare him for college life.
We found a three-room apartment above a Five and Dime store. It was mid-summer and the air-conditioning barely worked; a necessity for a pregnant woman going through morning sickness.
Our household effects never made it to Bermuda before we received orders to return to the states—and of course we would not take delivery for just a three-month TDY. We bought the bare necessities to set up housekeeping and rented a television from the base. That was life in the Navy on TDY.
Our kitchen had a hole in the floor the shape of an ax head; evidently there had been a fire in the apartment at one time. We could look down on the Five and Dime below and see people walking around. There was a bin of underwear directly beneath the hole. A Navy wife with a two-year-old was visiting one day and the little girl dropped her mom’s keys through the floor. We hustled down the stairs and dug through the underwear to find her keys.
Three-month schools took place often and the landlord seemed to always disappear right before the cleaning deposit was to be refunded. Of course, the guys had to report to their next duty station so they couldn’t wait around for him to return. I’d heard all the horror stories about this man and I was afraid he would do the same thing to us.
The back stairs going down to the garbage cans was very narrow and the third step from the top was only half as wide as it should have been. You had to turn your foot sideways to make the step. I was going down one day when my foot slipped and I took the stairs all the way to the bottom on the soles of my shoes. I didn’t fall to the ground but it could have been a disaster.
I told the landlord if I had miscarried the baby, his name would be mud at the Naval Base and his apartment house would have been boycotted, never to be rented by Navy families again. I guess I put the fear of God in him because we got our cleaning deposit back and headed south to Oxford, MS. 

Monday, May 30, 2016


The enemy says I am rejected...
GOD SAYS... I love you, xoxoxoxo

The enemy says I am flawed...
GOD SAYS...You are the Temple of the Holy Spirit!

The enemy says I am insecure...
GOD SAYS...You have been given all power and authority over serpents and scorpions!

The enemy says I'm not good enough...
GOD SAYS...I died for you!

The enemy says I am unworthy...
GOD SAYS...I gave My very life because you are worthy!

The enemy says I am helpless...
GOD SAYS...You are a giant killer!

The enemy says I am selfish...
GOD SAYS...Reach out and embrace needs!

The enemy says I am inadequate...
GOD SAYS...I've given you gifts beyond measure--use them!

The enemy says I am not smart enough...
GOD SAYS...You have the mind of Christ to discern, know, and comprehend all things!

The enemy says I am a burden...
GOD SAYS...Bear one another's burdens; when you are down, someone will lift you up and when they are down, you lift them up!

The enemy says I am weak...
GOD SAYS...When you are weak, I am strong!

Monday, May 23, 2016


by Lorraine Allen
Member of the Creative Writing Class at the Bartlett Senior Center, TN
I wanted to share this b/c Lorraine's Declarations to God blessed me...Danna

I was sitting on my bed one night.  My head felt light and I felt jittery, my mouth was dry and I felt as if I would faint at any time. I reached over and picked up my blood pressure cup. “200/100.” This made me more nervous and I felt it rise more, my head feeling as if it was pressed in from all sides. I began to hyperventilate. I thought I was about to have a stroke. I began to pray,

Is not God my Father?  
As my Father, will He forget me?  
Yes, He is my Father.  
No, He will not forget me.  

He brings the cooling breeze to smooth my brow.  
He comforts me with His touch.  
There is no one like Him and no one that can touch me like He can. 

Why will He not forget?  Because He loves me.  
Me, lowly me, He loves despite the small stature of my being. 

Because He loves me I can feel His caressing touch. 
I can feel that everything will be alright though the night cares frighten me 
and open me up to the wounds of this earth.  

God gives me comfort and love through the pain.  
Just as He embraces me, I embrace Him and know that I am as safe 
and secure as a climbing child upon her father’s knee.  

Knowing these things I WILL find calm.
I  WILL find peace.  
I WILL find joy.  
I WILL find Him holding me and rocking me safely to sleep in the midst of my storms.

As I prayed, I began to calm down and feel God’s grace. As I felt His grace, I began to feel my blood pressure go back down to normal. I realized that with God I had gone sailing successfully through another of life’s storms.

Saturday, May 14, 2016


by Danna Shirley
Assignment in Writing Class was to insert a fictional character into the Titanic tragedy:

Daddy says it won’t be much longer on this boat that rocks and rocks. Captain Rostron told me it is a ship not a boat. I’ll have to remember that. It was a lovely dinner tonight sitting at the Captain’s table. Oh, how I do wish I wouldn’t get so seasick.
            Daddy says we should only be in Fiume for two years while he teaches at the Naval Academy.  It’s just me and Daddy now and I have to go where he goes because I have no one else. What will it be like for me in Austria-Hungary? I will start school soon. I’m a little afraid!
It’s lonely on this ship with no one my age. I wish I had someone to play with or at least talk to. I walked around the deck this morning after breakfast and then again at noonday and also after the supper meal at the Captain’s table. It was cold and crisp outside but at least it was something to do and I’m getting my exercise.

Early this morning we were awakened by a steward telling us we had changed course to rescue passengers from a sinking ship, the Titanic. It was very cold in my stateroom. I found Daddy and we ran up on deck. There were icebergs all around. The crew was bringing people aboard from lifeboats and passing out blankets and hot soups and drinks.  
It was becoming very crowded with women and children. Daddy was helping all he could so I wandered through the crowd. I didn’t know what to say. They all looked blank and lifeless. Some cried softly; some were hysterical. It was so cold!
I was told they were in shock. I didn’t know how to be helpful so I tried to play with the little ones. And I asked others what I could do. Some just wanted to hold my hand or cry on my shoulder. It was breaking my heart.
After all the Titanic passengers were aboard Captain Rostron made the announcement that approximately 1,500 people had drowned but we had rescued over 700. He also held a service and moment of silence over the disaster site for those lost at sea. Then he asked for our help in assigning places to sleep for those who were rescued until we could transport them back to New York; and spare clothes, blankets, and personal items to make them comfortable.
Although I only had room for one more, I found the purser to volunteer my room. He told me to make it ready and he would send down someone after processing. He also said they would send food later. Food! I hadn’t even thought of food but I guess we would be hungry.
I was so sad. I went through my things and laid out shoes, stockings, nightclothes, under things, and some of my best dresses. Then I went through my hair ribbons and matched them to the dresses. It was almost like a fashion show . . . a very gloomy and unhappy fashion show. 
Ellen Wesley finally knocked at 2:00 p.m. and I opened the door. She looked just a few years older than me; probably about 16. I tried to make her welcome with a warm hug. “Hi, I’m Clara Teagan. Please come in and make yourself at home.”
            Her dress was tattered, probably from jumping into the lifeboat, but I didn’t act at all like I noticed. We sat on the bed and she smiled weakly at the dresses I laid out for her. I urged her to try them on and our fashion show began. Ellen slowly warmed up to me and I am so glad.
            The purser sent sandwiches, pudding, and mint tea for our dinner and we were asked to stay in our stateroom because the ship was very crowded on deck. We had nothing to do now but wait to reach New York . . . wait and cry and pray.
            We stayed up late into the night. Ellen was still numb for she expounded with little emotion on the details of the horrible ordeal. She was traveling with her younger brother to live with strangers in America, because her momma and daddy were both dead. Now her only living relative was gone and she had seen him slip under the water as her lifeboat floated away. Now she was all alone! 
           I know what I have to do now—ask Daddy if Ellen can live with us. She has no place to go and no family left. I have no momma and no sister either. We need each other. Even though tragedy brought us together, God has worked a miracle for us both. 

Tuesday, May 10, 2016


The following was a Creative Writing assignment given at the Senior Center where I attend. We were to take an expired copyrighted journal and add a new entry from our own perspective. The one I chose was found at this website: http://www.gutenberg.org/files/51633/51633-0.txt

by Stuart Petre Brodie Mais
Extracts from the Journal of Patrick Traherne, M.A., sometime Assistant Master at Radchester and Marlton, Great Britain. Patrick Traherne, only son of the Rev. Thomas Traherne of North Darley Vicarage, Derbyshire, was born on July 14, 1885. He was educated at Rugby and New College, Oxford, and immediately upon leaving the University he became a Public School master. He wrote in his journal:

September 20, 1909
For the first few days I was talking over their heads the whole time. In mathematics I went too fast. In English I took it for granted that they knew something about the subject: I am gradually finding out that they know nothing. What is worse, only a very few of them want to know anything. They exhaust all their energies and keenness on games: they have none left for work. It is looked upon as a gross breach of good form to take anything but the most perfunctory interest in class. I find that I am falling into the most insidious of traps. I am picking out favorites.

The following are the journal entries I added:
October 5, 1909
After only a few weeks with my students I am very impressed with Dawson Billingsley and Stanley Rutherford, two very intelligent and capable young men. They have matured beyond the petty games of youth and desire to move into a realistic goal for their lives. It is my goal to help them reach that end.   I have assigned them research into inventions and technology being developed in this new century. I look forward to their findings and hopefully will also engage in their future endeavors.

November 8, 1909
Billingsley and Rutherford returned with their collaborative findings. They chose the fledgling birth of the automobile industry. They still have a long way to go in their research but this is the subject matter they have submitted to me.

March 3, 1910
The dawn of a new decade is upon us. This century has already transpired like a freight train gaining speed. Billingsley and Rutherford, now just Dawson and Stanley to me, as we have engaged in warmer pursuits than academia—dinner at my house, playing chess, meeting their prospective brides if it comes to that. A great friendship has transpired and I feel I’ve become a part of a greater good than any of us can imagine.

June 21, 1910
Dawson and Stan have reached into a new era of transportation that appears to have taken hold of mankind, and tipped it on its ear. Those of us who grew up in the last century thought the automobile was a passing phase due to the lack of roads, gasoline stations at proper intervals, and of course repair facilities which are always needed at inopportune times. However, it seems that my two young friends have taken a fancy to propelling this industry into a higher calling for their lives. I wish them well and will endeavor to help them along the way.