Tuesday, May 29, 2018


by Danna Shirley
My husband, Ron, did not die in the line of duty but he served active duty in the Navy for twelve years and worked on Navy contracts in our Weapons Defense Program for another twenty-three years. He died of pneumonia in 2003 right before our invasion into Iraq.

As usual, on every Memorial Day or Veterans Day, it is asked at church for our Veterans to please stand and be recognized as we give them our great gratitude and appreciation for their service and sacrifice to keep America free.

Related imageIt's all I can do not to stand up in Ron's place because he is no longer here to stand and be recognized for himself.

As a Navy wife who served alongside my husband with every move (MS, MD, CA, FL, NJ, WA, Bermuda, Philippines, Japan) and every tour of duty (three to Viet Nam), I feel the Veteran's family should also be recognized for their service and sacrifice. Without their parents, their wives, their children's support on the home front, where would our men and women be?

Memorial Day is to remember all of us who live and breathe in this land of freedom . . . those who died and those who live to remember them!

Friday, May 11, 2018

Freedom in America Parallels Freedom in Christ

by Danna Shirley
It occurred to me recently that those who seek to escape terrorist and poverty-stricken countries to come to FREEDOM in America
. . . can be seen as a parallel to those who seek to escape false religions to come to FREEDOM in Christ.

Terrorist activity creates death, destruction, and poverty.
False religions create hope, trust, and faith in the wrong god.

Terrorists believe they are right and all others should succumb to their pressure of conviction; even if resulting in imprisonment, torture, and/or death.
False religions present a narrative through distorted teachings, fear, or the threat of reprisal or excommunication.

In either case, both take free choice away from their followers . . .

BUT . . . God's true words for FREEDOM are:
"I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live; that you may love the Lord your God, that you may obey His voice, and that you may cling to Him, for He is your life and the length of your days . . ." (Deuteronomy 30:19-20)

Friday, May 4, 2018


by Danna Shirley
Writing assignment: use the following words or a form thereof in a story...
sickness     heritage     charity     prayer     love    faith     hope     different     death

First John 4:8 tells us that “God is Love” and if  we believe nothing else, we can hang our hat securely on that scripture. And if we know “God is Love” then we also have “Hope in God” because where our faith is, there is hope.

It is no different to have faith in God than to have faith in the chair you sit upon. You know that chair will hold your weight and you sit down confidently that you won’t fall on the floor. When you come to God in faith, you can confidently rest in His care, knowing He will work everything out for your good and His glory.

We can confidently pray for the sick and we hope for their healing; but even if it is their time to go home and be with the Lord in death, they are healed for all eternity. It is a win-win situation and God does work things out for good.

I claimed my inheritance as a child of the Most High God when my mother-in-law fell to her knees and started praying for her heathen daughter-in-law. It took twelve years after I entered the Shirley family before I entered the Kingdom of God but I am so thankful she prayed me in.

“And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity.” (1Cor 13:13) The original Greek word for charity is agape, which means affection, good will, benevolence, and brotherly love. God wants us to abide in His love.