by Danna Shirley
Lord God Almighty, Maker of Heaven and Earth, our Great Physician...
We have no understanding of these present days except to trust You. You will not give us a stone or a scorpion or a snake. We lean upon You, rely upon You, and know You have us in the palm of Your hand. You count the hairs on our head. You capture our tears in a bottle.
We praise You, Lord, and thank You for Jesus Christ and His obedience, His sacrifice, His pain and suffering on the cross. He looked down through time and saw us; saw our ups and downs, peaks and pits, tears and laughter, and knew the end would be better than the beginning.
I thank You that our names are written in the Lamb's Book of Life and every day we live we are getting closer to being with You in heaven. This world is not our home, but while we're here, use us to further Your Kingdom. Help us to minister to those You bring across our path and into our lives. Let Your blessings far outweigh any afflictions thrown at us. Satan is defeated and he knows his time is short.
Lord, we ask for Your grace and Your mercy, Your guidance and direction, Your protection, Your hand of healing, Your hand of deliverance, Your hand of restoration, Your forgiveness, and the Blood of Jesus Christ to cover us through this pandemic. Put a hedge of protection around each of us so that no germ, disease, infection, or fiery dart will penetrate.
We bind up the works of the enemy that has targeted us to keep us down and discouraged, sick or in pain. We loose the power of Almighty God to heal and restore everything the enemy has stolen and return it ten-fold. Multiply all efforts to raise us up out of this pandemic and further Your Kingdom in ministry. Open up areas in our life to be a blessing to others and to use our gifts and talents to glorify You, Lord.
Give us financial stability to take care of ourselves so we can give back in areas You will open and reveal to us. Bless the work of our hands. Help us to be a light to shine in any dark place You may send us. Help us to rest when we need rest and to persevere when we need to move forward.
We ask all of this in Jesus' precious Name. Amen!