by Danna Shirley
I was just watching Robert Morris on TBN preaching on how the Holy Spirit speaks to us so we, in turn, can let rivers of living waters rush out of our spirit to "water" those around us.
I was reminded of a time in Japan when I was leading a Bible study with Navy wives at Hario in Sasebo, Nagasaki Prefecture. After the class, one of the ladies asked me to pray for her. I can't remember her request exactly but as I was praying, the Holy Spirit gave me a vision of a cocoon and a beautiful butterfly emerging out of her forehead.
I prayed the vision and she told me afterward that just before I prayed, she felt like a butterfly trying to escape a cocoon.
We rejoiced together; she that God saw her dilemma and gave her an answer and me that I was used by God to minister to her.
It is an awesome thing to realize you are tuned in to God, that He gives us dreams and visions, and that we especially hear and obey His promptings.