The following are Fear-Fighting Truths mentioned in Chapter 7 of Joyce's book, Do It Afraid:
* One reason I can live without fear is that God loves me with a perfect love. I can be confident in His love all the time, in every circumstance.
* Insecurity and feelings of inadequacy are forms of fear. The way to break free from them is to believe in my heart that God loves me and to receive and live with confidence in His love.
* God's love is being poured out on me all the time. It is a gift, which I can never earn nor deserve. I receive it by faith, knowing that God loves me so much that He sent His only Son to die for my sins and reconcile me to Himself.
* Bouncing between feeling proud of myself when I think I have done well and feeling guilty when I think I haven't will waste my time and energy. My performance does not change God's love for me.
* My relationship with myself is vitally important. I do whatever I need to do to make sure my relationship with myself is strong and healthy and to love myself in a godly way.
* Fear and insecurity will not willingly let me go. I choose to be aggressive against them so I can be free to become all God wants me to be and enjoy the life He wants me to live.