Sunday, March 13, 2022


 by Danna Shirley

Whenever anyone details a particular event that has now been cancelled, the answer usually is...AND THEN COVID HAPPENED!

I used to have a job...AND THEN COVID HAPPENED!

We used to attend a family reunion every year...AND THEN COVID HAPPENED!

I had tickets to the theater, to a concert, to a ballgame...AND THEN COVID HAPPENED!

Masks, vaccines, closings...BECAUSE COVID HAPPENED!

Now we've reached the point of protests against masks, vaccines, and closings in order to get back to normal BECAUSE COVID HAPPENED!

PROTESTS against masks that some say don't work...

PROTESTS against the vaccines that some say don't work...

As I See It...Whether I contract COVID or stay opposed to it, I'm in God's hands and my days are numbered in His book. He is in control of all things. 

If it's my time, I anxiously wait to see Him face to face, to see my husband who has been with Him since 2003, and to see my father who has been with him since 2010.

If God's door to heaven is open to me, no man can shut it. If God's door to heaven is closed until He's ready for me, no man can open it.

So why worry or be anxious about COVID? 

Be anxious to see JESUS!



1/10/22    Because you are so loved...God will pursue you. Perceiving how God sees you as His beloved will change your self-image. Invest in your REAL world and speak life into it. God calls you to a supernatural existence...not to be ordinary but to fulfill everything He designed you to be. Pursue God!

1/15/22   You’re a child of the Most High God so be beautiful inside and out. 

1/23/22   Nothing can separate you from the love of God…not the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate you from God’s love. 

1/25/22   May the Light of God’s presence shine on you and make you a blessing to others.

1/27/22   Trust God wholeheartedly. Wait expectantly for Him to transform your life. 

1/31/22   Let God guide you step by step as you walk along the path of peace.

2/5/22     God, Your beautiful light surrounds me, to protect me from being led astray. Nearness to You helps me make good decisions so I can keep walking in Your light.

2/7/22     In the Light of Your Presence I can see things more clearly and sort out what is important and what is not.

2/10/22   You are God’s precious child. Spend time in His presence refreshing yourself from this deeply broken world so you can show God’s love to others.

2/14/22   Remember you have the mind of Christ and can know, remember, and comprehend all that you’ve learned and studied. (1 Cor 2:16)  

2/15/22   Living joyously is a choice…choose joy by fixing your eyes on Jesus many times a day.  

2/22/22   Lord, guide them thru every day as they hold Your hand in childlike dependence, trusting You thru quiet days and storms.  

2/24/22   Lord, let Your love flow thru them into the lives of others.

2/27/22   Always praying God’s hand of protection and blessing on you. Be safe and do good. 

3/2/22     Become increasingly aware of God’s presence as you allow Him to comb out the tangles in your life.  

3/4/22     Choose to tune in to the Living Word and the One Who is always with you.  

3/6/22     Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. (Joshua 1:9) 

3/11/22   Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely I will help you. (Isaiah 41:10)

3/12/22   Focus on the wondrous truth God reveals and delight in Him as your First Love. 

3/13/22   Lord, help me visualize what’s on the road ahead. I trust You have equipped me well for the journey. 

3/15/22    Thank You Lord for making my pathways safe. Together we can handle anything.

3/17/22    All treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hidden in Him. So rejoice in the journey as He guides you step by step. Love Mimi

3/20/22    Call to ME and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things which you do not know. (Jeremiah 33:3)

3/22/22    Stay strong. Be kind and have courage. Enjoy the ride and believe in yourself. Love, Mimi

3/24/22   Stay close to God. His loving Presence will revive you, strengthening and blessing you with Peace.

3/28/22   Lord, guide me into hopes and dreams that are in line with Your will. Train the eyes of my heart to see these blessings while waiting for them to be fully done. 

3/29/22   Thankfulness awakens my heart to Your abiding Presence.

3/31/22   “The planet does not need more ‘successful people.’ The planet desperately needs more peacemakers, healers, restorers, storytellers, and lovers of all kinds. It needs people to live well in their places. It needs people with moral courage willing to join the struggle to make the world habitable and humane and these qualities have little to do with success as our culture is the set.” – Dalai Lama (dob 1935)

4/2/22     As I speak and sing praises to You Lord, Your face shines graciously upon me and refreshes me in Your Holy Presence. 

4/4/22    Teach me to cast all my cares on You for You will meet all my needs according to Your glorious riches. 

4/6/22     The study of our history (USA) is so significant that the future of our Republic may well be determined by what we do with our great legacy.

4/7/22     Sometimes God’s best way to add to your life is to subtract from it. Certain things have to end so better things can begin. Every loss isn’t always a loss. 

4/9/22     Let Your Light continue to shine on me as You transform me into Your likeness. I long to live in ways that reflect Your Glory. 

4/11/22   You are the Indestructible Rock on which I stand. I can always take refuge in You because I am Yours and You hold me in the palm of Your hand. Hallelujah!

4/13/22    As I journey with You, I'm thankful for the Magnificent Map You have provided...the Bible! Help me to follow this Light for You are the One Who knows the best way for me to go. 

4/14/22     An old quote: "Watch your THOUGHTS, they become your words; watch your WORDS, they become your actions; what your ACTIONS, they become your habits; watch your HABITS, they become your character; watch your CHARACTER, it becomes your DESTINY." The journey to your destiny starts with your thoughts. The right thoughts lead to the right life. Amen. 

4/16/22    A knowledge of God's hand in history assures us that God gives His people the time needed to accomplish what He has called them to do. --Marshall Foster

4/17/22    Easter: Jesus, I'm sorry You had to endure Friday for our salvation but You saved, rescued, and delivered us on Sunday. Thank You Lord for Resurrection Day.

4/18/22    Striving vs resting in HIM. Challenging vs quiet security in HIM. Controlling vs soothing confidence in HIM. Walk every day in HIM with rest, quiet security, reliance, and soothing confidence.

4/19/22     Prayer removes a lot of panic and replaces it with peace. Prayer is like a physical workout for the brain and changes its chemistry…but you already knew that, huh? 

4/20/22     Praise Him! He really is a good God. All the time. Be thankful you are His child and he is your god. Where else can you go but to the Lord? He has the Words of Life!

4/20/22     God never says OOPS. 😊

4/22/22     My journey with You is training me to see from a heavenly perspective and I am enjoying this magnificent scenery.

4/23/22     Thank You, Lord, not only for the blessings I can see but for the ones I cannot see…this hidden treasure…my heavenly inheritance…this glorious blessing I am yet to see.

4/25/22      Your Love reaches to the heavens and Your faithfulness to the skies. Your Love never ends. It is limitless and everlasting…AND it is mine! Thank You, Lord! Hallelujah!

4/28/22       Direct your gaze to Me. Search for Me in all your moments. Through such attentiveness you will find My Perfect Peace.

5/2/22         Stars can’t shine without darkness. Let your light shine and light up the darkness around you.

5/5/22        Walk as God's beloved child. Stay close to Him and follow wherever He leads. He takes great delight in you. You also take great delight in Him.

5/9/22        The world is in constant flux, so I entrust my future to You, Lord, where I am safe and secure in Your loving arms and always standing on solid ground.

5/11/22       Thank You, Lord, for Your peace, which is a wise investment of my time, especially in this chaotic world.

5/13/22        Draw me inward to find You in my spirit where Your Spirit dwells. You renovate my mind--transforming me into Your image.

5/16/22        Lay down your phone. Turn off TV, radio, and any other distractions. Embrace silence so you can hear from God. He's listen for His still small voice.

5/17/22        Have you ever really embraced the meaning of the Serenity Prayer? Adapted here...God grant me the SERENITY [calm, peace, rest, quiet] to accept the things I cannot change...the COURAGE [mental and moral strength, daring, nerve] to change the things I can...and the WISDOM [discern, insight, judgment] to know the difference.

Live one day at a time. Enjoy one moment at a time. Accept hardship as a pathway to peace. If I surrender my will to Jesus, I will trust Him to make all things I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with Him forever in the next. --Reinhold Nieubuhr

5/18/22    Let your inner flame manifest miracles in your life. Rewrite your own reality. With God all things are possible

5/23/22    I cling to Your hand as I follow my daily trail. You are in full control of my every step.

5/30/22     Help me guard my thoughts and words very carefully and turn to You quickly so I can find my joy in You. 

6/5/22       In Jesus Name (song by Katy Nichole)

6/7/22       Teach me to trust You, Lord, with my whole being...then nothing will be able to separate me from Your peace and that I may relax in Your sovereignty. Amen

6/13/22     God has blessed you with His glorious gift of grace. No one and no circumstance can strip you of this lavish gift. It belongs to you FOREVER!

6/14/22     Always be aware of God's presence as you walk thru each day. Stay alert to see the blessings and pleasures He scatters along your path. The greatest Treasure is Jesus, His indescribable Gift.


6/18/22    Receive God's good gifts with open hands. His Kingdom is not about earning or deserving but about believing and receiving.

6/18/22    Self-defense:

6/23/22    The most direct route btwn point A and point B is your unwavering trust in Almighty God. Stay on course and make your paths straight.

6/25/22    I delight in Your presence Lord. I hold Your hand in joyful trust as I keep moving forward step by step on my path of life.

7/2/22      Thank You Lord by Your Holy Spirit for helping me to think good thoughts and to choose to be JOYFUL in all my circumstances. 

7/10/22    Lord, I pour my energy into trusting You and Your Presence in this world. There is no end to Your love and faithfulness.

7/14/22    Teach me to be filled with Your fullness and rejoice over all my days as Your child.

7/17/22    Declare to the heavens... The Lord is close. He will never leave me nor forsake me. Nothing can separate me from His love. I am never alone. He is more than enough in my life. His strength sustains me. He watches over me. He guides me with His loving eye and draws me close. I will lean on Him. I will listen to His still small voice in a whisper. I am His.

7/20/22    Always pray to have eyes to see the best in people, a heart that forgives the worst, a mind that forgets the bad, and a soul that never loses faith in God.

7/21/22    Women in Power: 

7/24/22    Kenz, Em, and Bella...You have been fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of God. Walk as His child and let the Holy Spirit draw you closer to Jesus day by day.

7/27/22    Thank You Lord that I am a member of Your Royal Family. Open my heart to Your Holy Presence and flow freely into me.

7/28/22    BE STILL and know that I AM God. I will implant My thoughts into your heart so they will be like your own.

7/29/22    FOCUS on hearing God as He speaks to your spirit in gentle whispers.

7/31/22    The following words came thru the sermon this morning at church: Fully surrender yourself to the Potter. Be His chosen vessel and let the Holy Spirit leak out thru the cracks of your broken vessel to touch those around you who are also broken. Healing comes!

8/1/22    The key to Love is in your heart not in your mind. The key to wisdom is in your mind not in your heart. The key to courage is in your hands to help someone up when they are down. The key to kindness is in your mouth to talk to someone when they are lonely. (written by Bella in 2nd grade)

8/4/22    Mike Rowe's S.W.E.A.T PLEDGE (Skill & Work Ethic Aren't Taboo)                             

8/6/22    PRAYER is an open admission that w/o Christ we can do nothing. PRAYER is the turning away from ourselves to God in confidence that He will provide the help we need. PRAYER humbles us as needy and exalts God as wealthy. --John Piper

8/8/22    When God speaks to us, the result should be a heart overflowing with gratitude. Listen for His still small voice.

8/8/22    Give every day the chance to become the most beautiful day of your life! --Mark Twain

8/11/22    Lord, I long to live with my eyes, my heart, and my mind fully open--beholding all that You are doing in my life.

8/13/22    Every experience God gives us, every person He puts in our lives, is the perfect preparation for the future that only He can see.

8/15/22    God is you're Protector. He will not let you go down the wrong road but will keep you on the straight and narrow path, holding you in the palm of His hand.

8/16/22    Every morning when you wake, thank God for ten things in your life and you will begin your day with joy and a great attitude.

8/17/22    Dancing as little as one minute sends your levels of feel-good endorphins soaring. Same for worshiping God.

8/18/22    Take a moment to compliment someone. It has a positive impact on the receiver s well as the giver.

8/19/22    Teach me to be of good cheer in the midst of difficulties. I find hope in Your powerful Words of assurance, "I have overcome the world."

8/21/22    JESUS is your best Friend and His unwavering presence is your one true Anchor in life.

8/25/22    I am intimately involved in all your moments. Remain focused on Me. Whisper My name. I am with you.

8/26/22    If you're drowning in the negatives of life and culture, come unto Me and I will give you rest. CHOOSE JOY!

8/28/22     Worship song at church today:

8/30/22      JOY is not dependent on your circumstances. True JOY is a byproduct of living in My presence.

9/4/22        Because He bends down to listen, I will pray as long as I have breath! (Psalm 116:2)

9/6/22        I want to live in Your glorious freedom, being Your fully forgiven follower…there is no condemnation for those who belong to You.

9/9/22        As you trudge thru this fallen world, keep your mind in heavenly places with Me. The Light of My Presence shines on you, giving you Peace and Joy that circumstances cannot touch.

9/11/22      As you walk along the path of Freedom, keep your mind, eyes, heart firmly fixed on God. Only His voice tells you the true way to go.

9/13/22      If I go up to the heavens, You are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there Your hand will guide me, Your right hand will hold me fast. (Ps 139:8-15)

9/17/22      Teach me to spend time with You, listening to Your still small voice guiding my steps.

9/18/22      Song: I just wanna move Your heart. It’s all I wanna do. I just wanna stand in awe and pour my love on You. No matter how much the cost, I freely give it all to You.

10/4/22      He calls us to Stillness, to a deep sense of Calm.

10/13/22    God, You are worthy of all my confidence. I’ll pour my energy into trusting You and looking for evidence of Your presence in this chaotic world.

10/17/22    It is through knowing God intimately that you become like Him. This requires spending tine alone with Him and in His Word. “Let go, relax, be still, and know that I am God.”

10/19/22    The reality of God’s Presence, now and forevermore, outshines any fantasy you could ever imagine.

10/22/22    Turn your thoughts toward God and you will think more positively. Listen as well as speak. Make your thoughts a dialogue with Him.

10/29/22    Your time of being alone in My Presence equips you for the day ahead. If you are not adequately equipped for the journey, you will grow weary and lose heart. Relax with Me while I ready you for action.

11/1/22      Even though you are distracted by many things, God is delighted by your desire to walk closely with Him. Plow thru those distractions and you will achieve victory. Rejoice in these triumphs and they will light up your days.

11/6/22      Delight yourself in Me. Seek My pleasure in all you do.

11/9/22      You have the mind of Christ and are able to recall to your remembrance all that you’ve been taught and learned. Amen…

11/12/22    Your heart’s desire is to be aware of God’s presence continually. He delights in you.

11/26/22    God’s peace is an all-encompassing gift that is independent of all circumstances.

 12/4/22      Because you belong to God, don’t just pass time waiting. Wait expectantly in hopeful trust. Stay alert so you can pick up even the faintest glimmer of His Presence.

 12/19/22    Special people like you make life sweeter. Encourage one another and build each other up. (1 Thess 5:11)

12/20/22    Father God, thank You for all You do for our grandchildren. I pray they will grow up to love You, serve You, and honor and devour Your Word. I pray they will be filled with knowledge, spiritual understanding, and wisdom, and that they might live a life worthy of You, Lord. May they please You from the top of their beautiful heads to the tip of their fingers to the bottom of their feet. May they walk in Your steps. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

12/21/22    A flower does not think of competing with the flower next to it; it just blooms. He has made everything beautiful in its time. (Ecc 3:11)

12/25/22    Choose an attitude of joy. After all, it is our attitude toward life that brings us joy in living. Merry Christmas my sweet grandgirls.