by Danna Shirley
A few days ago (Oct 3rd) God gave me an intense dream. Although dreams are barely remembered the next morning, this one replayed through my mind like a newsreel.
It was daytime and I was in an area of town that was light and bright, safe and clean...a very pleasant atmosphere. I was driving a very snazzy, red BMW with all the bells and whistles; definitely not my lifestyle.
As I approached my city limits and crossed over into the next city, it became very dark and foreboding. The sky changed from daylight to night. I was very concerned to travel in this city in my snazzy BMW. All the news reports of crime and murders filled my mind with fear. Why was I even in this place?
Gangs milled around on the side of the street that was dark as night. On the other side of the street it was dusk. Every turn I made I sensed the atmosphere of threatening evil on one side and fear and hiding on the other side.
Next, I was not in my car but I was walking, walking, walking on the dusk side. I saw little children cowering and hiding as they stared across the street in fear and trembling. I hid them in closets and told them to stay there, they would be safe there. All the time I was facing the dusk side and protecting the children with the darkness and evil at my back.
When I awoke, my first thought was, "Lord, what are you telling me to do?" Then, of course, I rationalized...Lord, I'm 75 years old. I can't go downtown and rescue children.
God has been calling me to
intercessory prayer. My feet may not be able to walk those dark streets but my
prayers can cover a multitude of people and places. There is no boundary
we can’t cross through God.
Lord, please show me how to
follow after You as You lead me into this new direction of prayer. Help me
bring Your Light into the dark places in this city, for this dream was a Yes
(sure) and Amen (firm) that we are living through desperate times in 2023.