Thursday, July 18, 2024

The Rapture

Description of the Rapture in Scripture related in Dr David Jeremiah's book, The Great Disappearance, chapter 19 ~ 


* The day of their calamity (Deut 32:35)

* The day of Lord's anger (Zeph 2:2)

* The wrath to come (1 Thess 1:10)

* The hour of trial (Rev 3:10)

* The hour of His judgment (Rev 14:7)

* A time of trouble (Dan 12:1) 

* The day of wrath, trouble and distress, devastation and desolation, darkness and gloominess, clouds and thick darkness, trumpet and alarm (Zeph 1:15-16)

* Terror and horror w/o precedent (Mt 24:21-22)

* Wars will ravage the world; peace will end and rampant slaughter will bloody the earth; hail and fire will burn up the planet's grass and destroy a third of all trees; intense famine; rivers and seas will be polluted; rivers will dry up; the sun will scorch the earth; war, starvation, beastly predators; earthquakes, thunder and lightening; mountains will crash into the seas; tidal waves; meteor showers; ash and smoke will hide the sun and moon; demonic insects will inflict painful stings; rampant, epidemic plagues (Rev 6:2-17; 8:8-13; 9:1-20; 16:1-21)

* Antichrist will rise to power and demand total allegiance; satanical inspired programs; people will be barred from buying and selling food or other products; entire civilized world will be choked in his tyrannical grasp (Rev 13:1-18)

* Tribulation will be hell on earth; no escape and no relief!

Saturday, July 13, 2024


by Danna Shirley

Buyer's remorse = a feeling of regret; a wish that you had not done something after making a choice or decision.

Are some voters experiencing buyer's remorse as they reflect on their vote for President Joe Biden now that they see his policies put into practice. 

Some headlines as of July 13, 2024:

* Democrat Civil War

* Biden Defeat Could Shatter the Democrat Coalition

* Congress Must Investigate Cover-Up of Biden's Cognitive Decline

Later: Trump shot at a rally. Grazed his ear. 

Monday, July 1, 2024

The Rapture and Children

 In considering children during the Rapture and their age of accountability, Dr. David Jeremiah addresses this question in his book, The Great Disappearance, chapter 15.

God knows and loves the unborn baby even in the womb (Psalm 139:13-17)
What about children who may have been miscarried, aborted, or died in infancy?  
"Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; 
for of such is the Kingdom of heaven." (Mt 19:13-14) 
"Even so it is not the will of your Father who is in heaven 
that one of these little ones should perish." (Mt 18:14)

A child is a person from the moment of conception. This truth allows that all preborn babies who perish go straight into the blessed arms of Jesus. For mothers who grieve over their aborted babies, God knows how to pour His healing and forgiveness into your life through the merits of Christ. Abortion is not the unpardonable sin. 

Jesus loves you and He loves every child from conception. In fact, He loves us from before time began. Your child may not be with you here on this earth but one day you will be reunited with your baby in heaven. Take comfort with this knowledge that Christ will keep you as you anticipate your eternal reunion.