© By Danna Shirley
"And Jesus said to them, ‘I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he
who believes in Me shall never thirst.’”
(John 6:35)
My annual
physical revealed several areas of concern.
As a person who is on the go and doesn’t like to cook anyway, fast food
has been my “die-it.” Now I am anemic
and not operating up to peak efficiency or my full potential.
We need
balanced “nutrition” in our spiritual life as well…feasting on the Bread of
Life in…
Sunday School Prayer
Church Meditation
Worship Tithing
Bible study Fellowship
If we ate the
same food every meal, we would become burned out, weak, and sick. It is the same with our spiritual life.
church for one hour once a week is helpful but is it enough? What if our only sustenance was breakfast
once a week? Could we survive?
Prop: Fresh fruit, vegetables,
bread vs. stale, moldy, rotten, etc
“I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides
in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit, for without Me you can do
nothing.” (John 15:5)
Looking at
fresh, plump grapes it is not hard to see that they are well attached to the
vine and quite juicy and desirable to a hungry person.
If left long
enough, they shrivel up and become very undesirable. Eventually, they begin to loosen and fall
away from the stem.
What keeps
grapes looking juicy and desirable?
Being attached to the vine…the life source of the fruit.
What keeps us,
as Christians, from becoming loosened and shriveled and falling away? Staying attached to the Vine (Jesus)…our Life
Stay juicy and
delicious…desirable for the world to see and want… abide in the Vine.
Props: A cluster of fresh grapes and a cluster of
shriveled grapes. Show that some have
already fallen away and are loose…lost; but those that stay attached to the
Vine (Jesus) are plump, juicy, and “alive.”
“But now, O Lord, You are our Father; we are
the clay, and You our potter; and
all we are the work of Your hand.”
(Isaiah 64:8)
had a big, green planter out on my
deck. I wasn’t concerned that it might
get broken because it seemed heavy enough to withstand any small wind that
might blow. I guess I took it for
granted that it would be safe and sound.
However, when a wind storm came through and knocked it over, I was
surprised to find it in pieces and wished that I had paid better attention to
its safety.
too, being uprooted and replanted in better soil and a bigger pot can be the
best thing for us. Plants don’t flourish
if they’re root bound and cramped. Wait
on God…He will repot you when and where He sees fit.
Prop: Use broken pottery pieces and a loose plant
with its roots in little soil. Explain
how a plant doesn’t survive well if living in loose shallow soil or in a
cramped pot.
“He will feed His flock like a shepherd; He
will gather the lambs with His arm,
and carry them in His bosom, and gently lead those who are with young.” (Isaiah 40:11)
On one of my
trips to California
to visit family, there was a ram fenced in by my sister, Paula’s, driveway. My
mind’s eye imagined sweet cuddly lambs with their fleece as white as snow. Not
so with this ram. Its fleece was thick and heavy, gray and dirty in the summer
heat. It was not at all an inviting picture.
A few days
later I noticed the ram had been sheared, relieved of its thick coat and relieved,
I’m sure, to enjoy the cooler summer heat. But I also noticed that its skin was
just as gray and dirty-looking as the fleece. I had expected when the wool was
removed, the ram would be clean again. Then I thought of the little lambs
before they become dirty rams.
Our Shepherd
loves us unconditionally and desires to clean away all of our thick, heavy,
gray “dirt” (sins) and make us white as snow. As the Body of Christ, we are
also accountable to teach the little lambs and keep them in the fold, safe and
protected, so they won’t become dirty rams.
Be a role model
to the children (lambs) around you. It is much easier to keep them on the right
path than to clean them up as they grow older (sheep).
Prop: Lamb--stuffed animal.
“Preach the word! Be ready in season and out
of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching.” (2
Timothy 4:2)
I found an old
hoe that was left out in the yard. It had been neglected and was no longer
strong . . . all rusted and of no use for its original purpose. The handle was
brittle and I’m sure if I applied pressure
to it, it would splinter and break.
God also gives
us tools in our lives to be used for
an intended purpose. Our “tools” are special gifts . . . prophecy, ministry,
teacher, exhorter, giver, leader, mercy (Romans 12:6-8).
Don’t take
what you have for granted. Protect it, nurture it, and care for it. It is
better to keep your God-given “tools” (gifts) sharp and ready for use than to have
to clean them up or repair them later.
Use your
“tools” as God intended whenever and wherever He presents the opportunity. If
you’re rusty or brittle, you could break under the pressure.
Prop: Rusty hoe or a broken, splintered handle on
any tool.
“For no other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus
Christ.” (1 Corinthians 3:11)
One needs a strong,
sturdy foundation on which to build. If not, the foundation breaks apart and
what is on top falls through.
The same is
true of our lives. If we build our life on false beliefs, then we have a
foundation that will be shaky and eventually crumble . . . taking with it
everything that we may have built our life upon.
The only sure
foundation is a life built upon Jesus Christ. When you lay your solid
foundation, brick by brick, and mortar it together with the Word of God, it
will not fail you.
Props: Solid bricks and broken bricks. Lay the
broken pieces down first and try to place the solid bricks on top showing that
it is unsteady. Then hold a vase or bowl on top and show how easily it would
fall and break because the foundation is not on solid ground. Speak of our
lives like the fragile vase and how easily we can be shattered if we set
ourselves on something that will not firmly carry us through life.
“And let us consider one another in order to
stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together,
as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as
you see the Day approaching.” (Hebrews
When we’re all
together, we’re toasty warm, helping one another, encouraging and uplifting
each other . . . “heating” one another as we come together in the Body of
We each have a
place in the fellowship. We each have a ministry to the Body. If we are not in our
place, then there are two losses:
Someone is not being ministered unto, for God
always has an opportunity to
use us.
We become cold from lack of heat . . . heat
provided by the
We need each other to keep toasty warm . . . on fire for Jesus.
Props: Shallow pan
with briquettes. Spray paint all of them red but leave one black. Set it in the middle unseen. To illustrate
the message, move it out and over to the side to show how we can become “cold” Christians
when we neglect church attendance and fellowship. Describe the black briquette as
cold, dark, hard, isolated, etc. and ask the question, “Do we want to become
like this or remain toasty warm . . . inside the fellowship with other
#16 - HOUSE
“. . . Whoever hears these sayings of Mine,
and does them, I will liken
him to a wise man who built
his house on the rock . . . but
everyone who hears these sayings of Mine, and does not do them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand . . .” (Matthew 7:24 and 26)
My husband, two
sons, and I recently built a steel-frame home that would withstand 100 mile an
hour winds. We chose steel over lumber because of the hurricanes that plague
our area on the Mississippi
Gulf Coast .
We received a
significant discount on our homeowners insurance for having built with steel
and when finally tested by the first hurricane, we were very pleased with our
choice of materials. We now understood what the term “tried and true” really
What kind of
builder are you? What kind of builder are you teaching your children to be? What
kind of materials are you using to build? Are you building on the solid Rock of
Jesus Christ? Are you standing on the Word of God in all of your doings? Study
the Word for yourself…be a wise builder!
Props: Set of blueprints.
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