I was talking to my son about an online interview I had watched of a neurosurgeon (Eben Alexander, III) that had gone to heaven. He was in a coma and came back to write a book about his vision--PROOF OF HEAVEN. Aaron said he'd also had a confirmation vision of heaven that was very vivid. I asked him to write about it for me. This is what he shared . . .

My voice was so angelic it was startling. Out flowed utterances of true praise. An overwhelming sense of peace, joy, and love commanded the atmosphere and at that moment I realized I was in heaven. I now better understand that we are created as instruments of praise.
As I lifted up my eyes at the last verse, I'm in an incorruptible resurrected body. I look around and consume sights, sounds, and smells on a level indescribable on this plain. I see that I'm sitting on a stump or something like it with guitar in hand. Kristen [sister] is across from me sitting on the ground with a beautiful countenance--perfect peace. There are others around that I couldn't identify but I'm sure it was all of us, the whole family, even generations past. This happened so fast yet it was overflowing with details, emotions, knowings.

We were gathered under a large magnificent tree set on a hillside overlooking a beautiful flowing river, bright and clear as crystal. I assume these to be the River of Life and the Tree of Life. Everything was so rich and full of color. The sky even glorified God with its pinks, and blues, and purples--full of life!
Then suddenly I awoke. The awesome God-given joy, peace, and love remaining on me, then lingering, then dissipating to a level I experience in this fallen world. Oh, how I long for the resurrection! Not to say we can't have perfect peace, joy, and love here on earth.
With God all things are possible thru the power of the Holy Spirit. But I don't think we'll experience these to the extent and level that we will in heaven once our redemption is complete. Maybe I'm wrong, but maybe we can! Maybe if we fully surrender ourselves, immerse ourselves in the Word, pray without ceasing, walk continually in the Spirit sensitive to His leading, maybe we can have a "transfiguration" experience here on earth.
Lord, help us to do this and be pleasing in Your sight!
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