to me, means scientific and deep-thinking, wise and learned, and I don’t
believe I qualify in any of these areas. I have never been one to engage in
anything philosophical for I fear I have not the education or vocabulary to
debate things of such importance but I do own my personal opinions and beliefs,
of which some may or may not agree.
however, I do claim as I address serious issues that float in and out of my
mind depending on the news report of the day.
was listening to someone recently who was speaking very critically of
Christians and their faith. It was obvious that he was not only NOT a believer
but was pushing the envelope dreadfully close to blasphemy—a very dangerous
position. He was so set in his beliefs that witnessing to him would have
probably been futile; like casting pearls before swine. I thought, How would I respond to this man if I had the
opportunity? Then this morning I heard an excellent analogy on the radio.
If you are fishing in the ocean and don’t catch
anything, do you conclude that there are no fish in the ocean? No! Just because
you have had no experience with God does not mean there is no God!
My question to the Skeptic is, “What if
you’re wrong?
What will you do with Jesus Christ then?
all the advanced technology that allows us to see into the womb today, it is no
longer a guessing game whether a preborn is a glob of tissue or a baby. Freedom
of choice is not the option to consider anymore . . responsibility begins before conception.
My question to the Pro Choice advocate is, “What if you’re wrong?
What will you do with your aborted baby
It is a well-known fact that anything left to itself, deteriorates over time. Look at the abandoned car out in a field. Maintenance keeps inanimate objects up and running and replacing worn out parts is a must. A little paint and polish preserves its beauty. If not done, it is overtaken by rust and rot.
So we
rest our heart, not in “The Origin of Species,” but in Genesis 1:1 . . .
My question to the Atheist is, “What if
you’re wrong?
What will you do with your false faith
and unbelief then?
The gay agenda is
being pushed down our throats at every turn. Now the Supreme Court has weighed
in on the subject. It’s ironic to me that abortion is called pro-choice but
with homosexuality we are without choice. Bakeries MUST make wedding cakes and
florists MUST decorate for same-sex marriages. Where is their choice on this
subject? Even restaurants can hang a sign that says, “No Shirt, No Shoes, No
Service,” and they won’t be taken to court.
There is a heaviness in my heart that is almost
unimaginable. I can address this subject legitimately since I have family
members of my own on this side of the issue. God loves everyone and everyone is
free to live the life they choose but it has almost become fashionable to be
gay and intolerable not to embrace it. Television programs have gay characters
and Christians are portrayed as bigots and idiots.
values have been turned topsy turvy but the Bible still says, “Woe to those who call evil good and good
evil…” (Isaiah 5:20).
My question to the Gay community is, “What
if you’re wrong?
What will you do with your lifestyle and
agenda then?”
importantly, what will Jesus Christ do with you?”
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