One trip to the woodshed usually helps to learn the lesson well, unless of course the individual is stubborn, rebellious, and defiant. Does that describe the post-election Democratic supporters that have shown just how out of touch they are with the rest of the country?
Everything they stood for in the last eight years was rejected because after eight years of being "in charge" with little change and few improvements, the people have spoken...and what they want and need is a leader that will run this country like the CEO of a successful business and that is what we have in Donald Trump.
The protesters speak of intolerance but they are then so intolerant that they RIOT; destroying property and showing just how hateful and detestable they are. Their "protests" cannot even be heard over their shameful and outrageous behavior. Those of us who DID NOT vote for Obama accepted him as our President anyway. Now we, as the silent majority, have spoken, and they are acting as childish, bratty, and spoiled children. Grow up or journey to the woodshed in four years for another spanking.
Why don't all these government officials (local, state, federal) put as much into taking care of our veterans as they are in protecting illegal and criminal aliens? Their priorities are skewed. They are going at high speed down the wrong track to a dead end destination.
Protest: a statement or action expressing disapproval or objection.
Riot: a violent disturbance, rampage, fight, run amok, go berserk.
Skewed: biased, distorted, inaccurate, unfair, misleading.
May I say again, the Democrats just don't get it! Grow up, wake up, open your blind eyes and your deaf ears, and hear what the populace is SHOUTING.
On to Hollywood:
I didn't watch the Grammys, the SAG Awards, or the Oscars. Who cares what Hollywood thinks politically. The awards are to recognize achievement in their field. As far as I can determine from their speeches, their "field" is a swamp of quicksand and if they're not careful it will swallow them up. Their insults are offending half of the population and I've already decided to boycott their movies. I don't have to spend the $25 to go to the show (ticket, jumbo popcorn, & drink). I'll stick with my Hallmark movies on television.

Maybe I'm just showing my age but where has the respect, courtesy, and just plain good manners gone? Okay, that's enough of my soapbox.
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