by Danna Shirley
Even as Christians we can hold unforgiveness in our heart. The sad
fact is that we know the truth and still will not follow God’s plan for
* is like a SCAB being continually picked at over
and over again until its infected; never to be healed, never to become
new, pink skin, leaving an unsightly scar, which forever is a reminder of the offense.
* is like a MOLDY piece of bread which blackens
and crumbles the heart under the weight of it.
* is like a ROTTEN tomato that has been forgotten
in the back of the vegetable drawer; only to be retrieved smelly, soggy, and black as it
emits its pungent odor of forgottenness.
* is like a BOULDER that has fallen off a cliff
and landed on the foot; so heavy it cannot be moved, so painful that
relief never comes.
* is like the RANCID smell of death and decay.
This person is to be pitied because the moldy, rotten, heavy, and
rancid stench of unforgiveness has taken up residence in their own heart. Their
life revolves around forever dwelling on the offence, trying to justify why
their unforgiveness is warranted and why they will never give it up, even to
the point of death and the grave.
So how does one convince the unforgiving person there is hope for
happiness if they will only release their prey, which sets themselves free as
Consider these questions:
* Reverse the roles; would they beg to be forgiven and walk in
freedom from their sins?"
* Would they bury this debt in order to walk out of the grave and into the
The ultimate resolution comes from the very mouth of Jesus Christ:
"For IF you forgive other people when they sin against you,
your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But IF YOU DO NOT forgive others
their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins." (Matthew 6:14-15
I can understand
how some issues of unforgiveness can loom larger than others; i.e. the death of
a loved one at the hands of a drunk driver verses stealing $20 from someone’s
wallet. However, in God's eyes, sin is sin, He does not review the degrees, for
we "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." (Romans
3:23 NIV)

One final question. We will all stand before God and give an
account of our life on this earth. When that day arrives, wouldn't you want Him
to see your clean hands and pure heart, empty of the dregs of unforgiveness?