by Danna Shirley
I recently realized I had to quit watching commentary news (from the left and the right) when my heart got so anxious and on edge from all the over-talk so that I couldn't hear anything anyone was saying due to all the interruptions, all the criticisms, the snippets of dialogue out of context, the commentaries and opinions from self-proclaimed know-it-alls. They droned on and on and on about the same thing for days until they grabbed onto the next aberrant subject to serve up on our plate for us to digest...until we experience heartburn beyond belief.
Watching these braggarts give commentary (not news) can be destructive albeit rubbernecking a traffic accident to get a glimpse of some gruesome detail. None of it is positive or brings about anything productive for our country. It just keeps the pot stirred up on both sides with ugliness and hate and discontent and possibly leads to more violence and more fears of racism. There are never any solutions, just more and more problems.
I'm thankful I saw what it was doing to me (personally) and I broke away from watching it weeks ago. I don't get anxious or upset anymore to hear the few reports that I do watch. I'm fasting the "drive-by news" and it's refreshing!
The peace of God now guards my heart and mind in Christ Jesus. He is in control and I don't have to know about the latest scandal.
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the the peace of God which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." (Phil 4:6-7)
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