The assignment was to take an "emotional description" and write a brief paragraph or story using a few of those listed. I chose to use:
I sat down on the last available
seat in the gate area. To my left was an older man reading a book and to my
right was a young lady, head down, eyes glued, swiping through an iPod. Now, I’m
not that old but I’m definitely not of the swipe generation. I can find my way
around a computer and that’s all I need at this point in my life.
I just broke down, however, and got my
first “smart” phone but quickly realized I had to be smart to use it. All I
ever wanted to do with a phone was talk or text and that little flip phone I
had fit beautifully in my pants pocket. Now, whenever my phone rings, I’m at
the opposite end of the house where I’ve put it because I don’t want to carry
it around.
This particular waiting area showed
no signs of interest to me so I bypassed the young iPod gal and turned to Mr.
Book Reader. I like to strike up a conversation with strangers. My curiosity
keeps me engaged and I feel I can say anything because I will never see this
person again. I turned sideways to sit on my left hip and crossed my right leg
over my left. Mr. Reader looked at me quizzically. Then I hung my left elbow over
the back of my seat and smiled. He smiled back . . . success, we were engaged.
“So, what are you reading?” I asked,
in rapt attention.
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