Wednesday, September 2, 2015


By Danna Shirley
Writing assignment using the phrase: $5 was left on the table.
A $5 bill was left on the corner table when I made the rounds of my assigned area. It was a nice tip for a sandwich plate and I sure appreciated the patron’s generosity. It was hard working these last days on my feet. My back hurt too. The baby would be coming soon and I only planned to stay home with her a few weeks; that's as long as I could afford to take off. 

I kept stacking dishes and carrying trays back to the kitchen. Oh, my back hurt so badly. I stretched and moaned as I reached over the last table to clear it. I busily moved dishes and stuffed tip money in my pants pocket.

I was going to be a single mom, just like my mother had been. I didn’t like the way I had to grow up and now I was bringing my baby into that same world. Why does the younger generation never learn from the older? Okay, this was my new normal, my now reality.

I clocked out and said bye to Al. He was a sweetheart and he and Rosie would be like grandparents to Angelise, my little Angel. I tightened my coat over my belly and braved the wind as I tried to make headway to my apartment just three blocks away. It was dark by the time I arrived and of course cold, since I could only afford heat when I was there to enjoy it. Al was gracious to feed me before I left so I didn’t worry about groceries. He was a treasure and would make a great grandpa.

I dropped to the bed exhausted and fell sound asleep. About three o’clock I woke and got ready for bed in the dark. I emptied my tips onto the dresser and collapsed again. I needed all the rest I could get to work another eight hour shift.

The alarm went off at seven and I struggled to raise my heavy body to a sitting position. The shower felt wonderful as it pounded down my back like a warm massage. I dressed and swept my tips into the open top drawer of my dresser. Then I noticed the $5 bill. I unfolded it and tucked inside was the face of Grover Cleveland staring back at me. I couldn’t believe my eyes . . . a thousand dollar bill!

Who had left a tip like this? I had waited on so many tables that I couldn’t even remember the faces. What a blessing he had left me. Now I could stay home with my little Angel for a nice long maternity leave. 

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