Danna Shirley
Ron and I had only been Christians about
seven months when we moved from Montgomery, Alabama to New Jersey. We were only
there eight months when we moved to Ocean Springs, Mississippi. It was
difficult for us as new Believers to get rooted and grounded in the Word of God
until we finally got settled on the Gulf Coast and started attending Cedar Lake
Christian Assembly (1981).
I made a few friends at church and
quickly got invited to a Bible study on marriage. This was a powerful step in
my faith walk with the Lord. I also met my “spiritual mother” at that time,
Melody Martin. She was 18 and I was 32. We spoke on the phone every day as she discipled
me in the faith. One of the things we had discussed was to be a witness for
Christ unashamedly.
One morning as I planned what we would have for
dinner, I couldn’t find the key to the freezer. I searched every cabinet high
and low but to no avail. I called Melody and she told me to pray. But I didn’t
know how to pray; Melody had always done all of my praying. This time I was on
my own so I knelt down by my bed and asked the Lord to please lead me to that
key so we could at least eat dinner that night. Then I went back in the kitchen
and started searching again. Nothing!
A few hours later a Sears truck
pulled up in front of the house across the street with a delivery. I ran out
and asked the driver if he might possibly have an extra freezer key.
“I doubt it, lady,” he said. “We
don’t carry spares like that on us, but I can look in my toolbox.” As he dug
around in all the nuts and bolts, he was surprised to find the perfect key. We
walked in my garage and then he turned to me and said, “Now I can unlock yer
freezer for ya, lady, but I can’t let ya have this key.”
“That’s OK,” I beamed, “but I just
want you to know you’re an answer to prayer.”
I followed him out to his truck to
thank him again. He opened his toolbox to return the key and then looked at me
and said, “I’ve never been the answer to anyone’s prayers before. Here, keep
the key,” and he laid it in my hand.
God awesomely answered my prayer. The
timing and conditions were just too synchronized for it to be coincidental. And
by the way, I found my own freezer key in a coffee cup a week later.
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