My church just went through a 21-day fast (January 2016) using the Lord's Prayer as devotionals throughout. The following was written on Matthew 6:10a by one of our members, Mike Sisson. It really blessed me and I would like to share it with you . . .
When we think of Kingdom, what images immediately pop into our heads? Perhaps because I have two princess-crazed daughters, my first thought was the castle at Disney, turrets soaring into the sky and pennants snapping in the breeze. Kingdom has to be more than an imaginary castle and crown though. Reducing the Kingdom to plywood pageantry makes it a facade, devoid of power. When Jesus says that we should pray that the Lord's Kingdom come, there are two different thoughts entwined in those three words. The first thought is of ownership. As God's Kingdom is realized in us, then He is the Owner of us.
Our plans become subject to His plans, our goals are sublimated to His goals. Our desires submerged in His.
As we pray "Your Kingdom Come," we ask for God to be not just Savior but Lord, ruling the new territory that is our heart and mind. While this may sound like we fade to nothing in the Kingdom of God, nothing could be further than the truth. God's Kingdom provides local autonomy and personal agency to its subjects, guiding the overall path but allowing us great personal freedom, even to the point of abdicating our citizenship and leaving if we so choose.
The second thought within the phrase is that of citizenship, for that is exactly what we are within the Kingdom. In fact, we are not just citizens of God's Kingdom but adopted sons and daughters, heirs to the Kingdom with full rights. As citizens, we willingly hand over Lordship of our personal Kingdom, only to receive it back in freedom, this time with instructions on how best to extend that Kingdom and with plans tailored to our specific abilities, talents, and gifts received from our Sovereign Lord.
By praying "Your Kingdom Come," we hand over a ravaged war-torn ruin and are given back the fullness of God's Kingdom, along with purpose and a loving Lord. Instead of a petty sovereign ruling an ash-heap, we become the trusted steward of a piece of God's grand design.
Sunday, January 31, 2016
Friday, January 29, 2016
Aunt Dannie (Danna) Shirley
“Listen here, young lady. They’re
beginning to stink. You’ve got to let them breathe and air out!”
Rhonda turned over and faced the wall in a huff.
Mom came down the stairs annoyed and appealed
to Dad, “I can’t get Rhonda to take off her cowboy boots. Her feet are going to
shrivel up if we don’t get some air circulating. She insists on sleeping in them.”
I know that movie. I can’t get away
from that movie!” Errol said exasperated as he put down the paper. “Let me give
it a try.”
He climbed the stairs and gently opened
the door, breezed in and sat beside his little girl. Rhonda turned over and
looked up at him innocently like she didn’t know why he was there. He could see
the hard bulge
at the foot of her bed.
“Listen, honey,” Dad said softly. “Isn’t
it uncomfortable trying to sleep in those boots?”
“Maybe, but I’ve done it before,” she insisted.
“It’s not so bad.”
“Have you ever s-m-e-l-l-e-d your boots when you take them off?” Rhonda got a
surprised look on her face and Dad knew he had her.
“How about we take them off and give
them a good whiff?”
Rhonda wasn’t so sure about this. Dad
was sneaky. Once she got them off, he could grab them and run.
“Honey, I promise I won’t do anything
without your permission. Let’s just see what they smell like, okay?”
Dad moved the covers over and helped her
sit up. He sat close to her and hugged her shoulder for a long time. Then he
lifted one leg and put it on his knee. “We okay doing this now?” he asked.
She nodded and he pulled on her boot. It
wouldn’t budge. “Honey, I think you’re going to have to help me.”
Rhonda yanked and kicked and pulled
until finally the boot came off. Dad took the boot and held it at arm’s length
away from them. “You ready?” She nodded. “Okay, then. Here goes!”
They put their heads together as Dad
brought the boot close under their noses. They gagged and coughed and yucked
until Dad threw the boot in the corner. He ran across the hall and got the air
freshener from the bathroom, came back, and sprayed down the boot and the room
until there was a cloud of light mist hanging in the air. Dad looked at Rhonda
and commanded, “Smell your foot!”
She screwed up
her face and pinched her nose with her fingers. “I don’t want to,” she cried.
As Dad tucked her back into bed, he asked,
“How about we give those boots a rest? I’ll put them out on the front porch to
air out and we’ll wear something else for a while.” He saw a lightbulb go off
over her head as she ran to the closet and pulled out her baseball cleats. Dad
sighed and thought Uh, oh, these could
Rhonda woke the next morning and donned
her cleats to run to the front porch for her boots. Gone! They were gone! She
burst into the kitchen crying so that she could hardly get the words out. “Mom,
Dad, my boots are,” eh-eh she sobbed, “g-o-n-e!”
Errol glanced at Hildy innocently and
mouthed, “Not me!” Dad reached down
and pulled Rhonda into his arms as she cried herself out. He had talked Rhonda
into letting go of those boots and now they’d been stolen off the porch. How
would she ever forgive him?
“Honey, I’m so sorry. I had no idea they
wouldn’t be safe out there.”
“Can we go shopping right now and get me
another pair?” she begged.
“You know what?” Dad said. “Why don’t
you just wear your cleats since you’re playing baseball right now and we’ll
think about it in a few months?”
That seemed to satisfy her and she
grabbed her mitt and went outside to play.
Even though Rhonda was new at this thing
called sports, she was pretty good at anything she tried. Baseball was no
exception. After a season of playing she hadn’t given much thought to her cowboy
boots until she was over at GrandPa’s garage one Saturday and noticed them
hanging from the rafters over his workbench.
“Pa, Pa,” she accused, “you stole my
boots!” She glared at him with her hands on her hips waiting for, no demanding,
an answer.
Pa was lovable and could get away with
anything if he smiled. He winked, picked her up in his arms, and lifted her
high above his head so she could retrieve her boots. She promptly plopped in a
chair and pulled and yanked on them, but try as she might, they just wouldn’t come
on. She looked up questioningly, “Why don’t they fit anymore?”
Pa stooped down and gave her one of his
best hugs. She just couldn’t stay mad at Pa. “Honey, you’ve grown out of them.
You’re getting to be a big girl. But I’ll keep them safe for you and you can
have them back whenever you want.”
She returned his hug and said, “Lift me
Pa lifted her back up to the rafters and
she hung her boots back where they belonged. She was one happy little girl
also played baseball until she was 45 and had a couple of knee surgeries years later from her years of sliding into
home. Now she wears golf spikes and works at a golf course in Fairfield Glade,
before Pa died at age 89, he returned Rhonda’s boots and she now has them
hanging in a place of honor in her garage, along with some of Pa’s tools and
one of his restored Model A’s.
Sunday, January 24, 2016
by Danna
The following short story was submitted in the Creative Writing Class at Bartlett Senior Center, Bartlett, TN. The assignment was to use the random words below (or any form thereof) and write something interesting.
The following short story was submitted in the Creative Writing Class at Bartlett Senior Center, Bartlett, TN. The assignment was to use the random words below (or any form thereof) and write something interesting.
addict chair assimilate truth unless sunshine
fragrance shop clothing stimulating
Brad had been an addict since he was fifteen. Now at age 40 he was in his
third rehab. Would he ever be cured of this awful disease? Yes, they called it
a disease because of his chemical makeup that was passed down the line through
his ancestors, whoever they were. If he could go back in time, he would find
out who the culprit was and . . . and
what? What would he do; help them not to become addicted or kick their butt for
being so weak? Yes, he was weak, too. He had no room to talk.
Now he sat in a chair with
all the other addicts in front of the counselor who was supposedly helping him
find himself. Ha! All they wanted was for him to assimilate
back into society and out of their facility . . . another success story,
another notch on their chart for future funding.
Okay, he’d play along, but the truth was he really did want to be free of this debilitating,
life-threatening, destroying worm that was eating him from the inside out.
There was hope for him, wasn’t there? Unless he was beyond
hope. After all, it had been twenty-five years of jails, homelessness, lost jobs,
lost family, lost self-esteem, loss, loss, loss.
Would he ever again feel the sunshine warm his heart, smell the fragrance of a garden instead of a
back alley behind a dumpster, shop for nice clothes instead of digging in bags of throw-away rags?
Was that all it would take to stimulate him to sobriety? Sunshine, sweet smells, and clean
clothes on a clean body? He had known that life before with his family. He’s the
one that chose this life; not them.
He put all pretenses behind him and all
the excuses he’d used in the past by blaming everyone else for his problems. He
raised his hand and the counselor nodded, “Yes, Brad. You have something you
want to share with the group?”
“Yes, I surrender all.”
Saturday, January 23, 2016
By Danna Shirley
We had three concepts to choose from for a story idea:
A Character ~ A Setting ~ A Genre
Oscar wasn’t sure about this but he
definitely wanted to stay close to Olivia. His crush on her had started in
kindergarten and grew through all their years together as classmates. Now he
was taller and stronger and knew he could lift and carry her through any moves
she wanted to make. Maybe it would work. “Okay,” he said. “We’ll give it a try.”
We had three concepts to choose from for a story idea:
A Character ~ A Setting ~ A Genre
My character was Wonder Woman; Setting was elementary school; Genre was romance
Olivia had been a daredevil since she
could walk. She climbed on steps, then stools and kitchen drawers, and finally
tall trees. Her mom got exasperated to find her on the kitchen table or the top
of the refrigerator and she would say every time, “Livi, you are unbelievable! Get
down from there!”
Mom and Dad decided they needed to
channel Olivia’s energy so they signed her up for gymnastics. It was the
perfect thing to give her an outlet and teach her how to fall and roll without
breaking any bones. She learned the cartwheel, the front tuck, the gainer, the
hand stand. She would race and run and jump and twirl. Her feet barely touched
the ground. She could almost fly!
All the teachers and staff were cautious
around Olivia, afraid she would cause a lawsuit, but her peers admired her cleverness
and were in awe of her antics. On the playground she climbed to the top of the
monkey bars in record time. She could dodge any ball and swing the highest of
anyone. She was fearless! As she moved through her elementary school, each
teacher would warn the next, “Watch out for Olivia. She is a curious spectacle
of wonder.” By fifth grade she had earned the name “Wonder Woman.”
Most boys would have been jealous of a g-i-r-l who could do such things but Oscar
was fascinated and proud to call Livi his friend. As she moved to middle
school, her romps were perfected through her gymnastics skill and by freshman
year she was no longer haphazard in her movements but structured and methodical.
“Os,” Livi asked one day as they met at
their lockers. “Why don’t you join gymnastics and we can practice together?”
“Oh, I don’t know,” he replied. “I’m
sure my folks can’t afford it and I’m probably too old now to get started.
Besides, I’m busy with baseball.”
“But I can teach you. I’ll get you
caught up and maybe we can do things as a team.”
“I thought gymnastics was an individual
“Well, yes, but I can make us a duo if
you’ll be my spotter. Kind of like figure skating without the skates. What do
you say?”
Practices began but they weren’t as
smooth as Livi had hoped. Os didn’t have the grace he needed. After all, he was
used to running and sliding into base. Lots of falls took place on both sides
and it was a real challenge to schedule time together between gymnastics and
baseball. As they plugged along through sophomore year, they became very close
and a romance ensued. By junior year they were quite confident and comfortable with
each other and thoroughly in love.
No one knew of their clandestine
meetings until a Talent Show was announced during their senior year. They
signed up to perform and worked diligently on a routine. Now they needed costumes
so Livi asked mom to design and sew something for them. Everything
was hush-hush and no one was the wiser.
The night finally arrived and their
talent was announced:
The gymnasium floor was perfect as they moved from corner to corner, across and around from side to side. Os lifted and carried Livi with ease. Everyone was awestruck at the grace and agility of these two as they twisted and twirled, and tumbled and curled. the finale brought a roar of cheer and applause.
Oscar held Livi in his arms and kissed her gently in front of the crowd. "Marry me," he said.
She kissed him back.
Thursday, January 21, 2016
Found this on my hard drive today. Someone may need it now...
Author: Barbara Hills LesStrang
I need to
talk about my loss.
I may often need to tell you what happened -
or to ask you why it happened.
Each time I discuss my loss, I am helping myself
face the reality of the death of my loved one.
I need to know that you care about me.
I need to feel your touch, your hugs.
I need you just to be "with" me.
And I need to be with you.
I need to know you believe in me and in my
ability to get through my grief in my own way.
and in my own time.
Please don't judge me now -
or think that I'm behaving strangely.
Remember I'm grieving.
I may even be in shock.
I may feel afraid. I may feel deep rage.
I may even feel guilty. But above all, I hurt.
I'm experiencing a pain unlike any I've ever felt before.
Don't worry if you think I'm getting better
and then suddenly I seem to slip backward.
Grief makes me behave this way at times.
And please don't tell me you "know how I feel,"
or that it's time for me to get on with my life.
I am probably already saying this to myself.
I may often need to tell you what happened -
or to ask you why it happened.
Each time I discuss my loss, I am helping myself
face the reality of the death of my loved one.
I need to know that you care about me.
I need to feel your touch, your hugs.
I need you just to be "with" me.
And I need to be with you.
I need to know you believe in me and in my
ability to get through my grief in my own way.
and in my own time.
Please don't judge me now -
or think that I'm behaving strangely.
Remember I'm grieving.
I may even be in shock.
I may feel afraid. I may feel deep rage.
I may even feel guilty. But above all, I hurt.
I'm experiencing a pain unlike any I've ever felt before.
Don't worry if you think I'm getting better
and then suddenly I seem to slip backward.
Grief makes me behave this way at times.
And please don't tell me you "know how I feel,"
or that it's time for me to get on with my life.
I am probably already saying this to myself.
What I need now is time to grieve
and to recover.
Most of all, thank you for being my friend.
Thank you for your patience.
Thank you for caring.
Thank you for helping, for understanding.
Thank you for praying for me.
And remember, in the days or years ahead,
when you may have a loss - when you need me
as I have needed you - I will understand.
And then I will come and be with you.
Most of all, thank you for being my friend.
Thank you for your patience.
Thank you for caring.
Thank you for helping, for understanding.
Thank you for praying for me.
And remember, in the days or years ahead,
when you may have a loss - when you need me
as I have needed you - I will understand.
And then I will come and be with you.
Online Support
Much support is available through the
internet. The following websites offer information and self-help resources for
survivors coping with various losses:
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
by Danna Shirley
following short story was submitted in the Creative Writing Class at Bartlett
Senior Center, Bartlett, TN. The assignment was to use the random words below
(or any form thereof) and write something interesting.
sickness heritage
charity prayer love
faith hope different death
faith hope different death
First John 4:8 tells us that “God is Love” and if we believe nothing else, we can hang our hat
securely on that scripture. And if we know “God
is Love” then we also have “Hope in God”
because where our faith
is, there is hope.
We can
confidently pray
for the sick
and we hope for their healing; but even if it is their time to go home and be
with the Lord in death,
they are healed for all eternity. It is a win-win situation and God does work
things out for good.
I claimed my
inheritance as a
child of the Most High God when my mother-in-law fell to her knees and started
praying for her heathen daughter-in-law. It took twelve years after I entered
the Shirley family before I entered the Kingdom of God but I am so thankful she
prayed me in.
“And now
abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is
charity.” (1Cor 13:13) The original Greek word for charity is agape, which means affection, good will,
benevolence, and brotherly love. God wants us to abide in His love.
Sunday, January 17, 2016
by Danna Shirley
want to preface this writing by saying if you’ve had an abortion and therefore think you must continue to be pro-choice to justify your decision, rest
assured you no longer have to remain there because God is Love and God Forgives.
All He requires is that you accept Jesus into your heart as your Lord and
Savior, confess and repent of your sins (not just the abortion but any and all
sins…for we all have sinned), and ask for forgiveness. God loves you and when
God forgives,
“He has removed [your] sin as far from [you]
as the east is from the west.” (Psalm 103:12)
Satan cannot condemn
you any more with guilt or fault, blame or shame, grief or regret. You are now
a child of the Most High God and He loves you as His very own.
My personal story: I was the third and last daughter. I was not planned and
a total surprise as my mother had already seen the doctor about birth control. It
didn’t work! They hadn’t made the first payment on the diaphragm before
she got pregnant with me (1948). She told me a few years ago, “If abortion had been legal then, you wouldn’t
be here.” Now, at age 96, she swears she never said that. How would I know
if she hadn’t told me? If
she had aborted me I wouldn’t have met my wonderful husband, had my three
beautiful children, or my three precious grandgirls. However, I would still be
in heaven, just a lot sooner than I will be now.
month is the anniversary of the event that took place on January 22, 1973 when the
U.S. Supreme Court decided that the right to an abortion was part of a woman’s
right to privacy. The law has protected the killing of unborn babies ever since.
I became a Christian in 1980 and God opened my blind eyes.
The Pro-Life / Pro-Choice question has
now been in a battle for 43 years.
advocates view their opponents as baby worshipers who ignore the rights of the
mother and want to interfere with their private lives.
advocates view the opposite position as a very profitable money-making business
of convenience, seeing the baby as tissue to be discarded and thrown away, with
no thought or concern for the life of the child or the safety of the mother.
what have we learned after 43 years of struggling with this question?
1. If
abortion is about women’s rights, what about the rights of the unborn females?
2. If the mother is removing unwanted tissue, why does she grieve and mourn and regret her decision even years after the abortion?
2. If the mother is removing unwanted tissue, why does she grieve and mourn and regret her decision even years after the abortion?
3. Science has progressed to the point of successful surgeries being performed on the baby in the womb. [In 1999 Samuel Armas as a 21-week-old unborn baby underwent surgery for Spina Bifida.]
4. According to Dr.
Mehmet Oz (2009), “The embryonic stem cell research debate is now dead.” Why?
“Because embryo cells can become any cell in the body [therefore] they can
become a cancerous cell just as easily. There is new science of induced
stem cells made by reverting skin and other adult stem cells into an
embryonic-like state without the destruction of human life.”
5. We
didn’t know in 1973 what we know now. We can no longer deny it is a baby
because advanced technology has moved us closer and closer to seeing the baby
in the womb. Fascinating!
6. Women are still dying from abortions and babies are being thrown away like garbage. The most horrific case is that of Kermit Gosnell. If you still have any doubt about this practice, please read this Washington Post piece:
6. Women are still dying from abortions and babies are being thrown away like garbage. The most horrific case is that of Kermit Gosnell. If you still have any doubt about this practice, please read this Washington Post piece:
7. Recent
events have revealed video of Planned Parenthood selling baby body parts. There is "spin" of explanation from both sides on this issue but the bottom line is: How far down can humanity go?
"There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to Him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies, and a man who stirs up dissension among brothers." (Proverbs 6:16-19)
quote by John Calvin came to my attention recently: “When God wants to judge a nation, He gives them wicked rulers.” Even this year, Congress voted to continue to fund Planned Parenthood with our tax dollars. What
is wrong with our government that we’ve allowed this for so long?
America has been trying to reverse Roe v. Wade for over four decades. The cost
has been unfathomable:
54 million babies!
"Be not deceived; God is not mocked; for whatever a man [nation] sows, that shall he also reap." (Galatians 6:7)
Could it be our nation is reaping what we’ve been
sowing for 43 years? There are no more excuses for us as a people not to see
what we’re doing to innocent children and the innocent mothers who are
believing the lie or are choosing not to accept the truth. We are destroying their
future and our own, and God will not be mocked.
we be killing the doctor who would find the cure for cancer, or the financial
giant that would lift people out of poverty, or engineers, scientists,
inventors, pastors, teachers, or just the average husband and wife who would
devote their lives to raising godly children…respectful, honest citizens for
did this self-serving, self-centered culture appear? Maybe it was in 1973 when
we considered human life as disposable and inconvenient? If you’re reading this
right now, aren’t you glad your mother did not exercise “choice” and abort you?”
Saturday, January 16, 2016
by Danna Shirley
following short story was submitted in the Creative Writing Class at Bartlett
Senior Center, Bartlett, TN. The assignment was to use the random words below
(or any form thereof) and write something interesting.
Donations God Chair Computer Protection
Scatter Saved Idiotic Vacation Help
Ever since I got saved at age 32 it has been a desire of mine to take a vacation to the Holy Land and walk where Jesus walked. It
fascinates me to read the scriptures and wonder what Christians thought a
hundred years ago about how God would fulfill His Word
that every creature on earth would hear the Gospel and then the end would come.
It has now become a reality with the computer age and the continued technology that is developed almost on a daily basis.
Even with mankind scattered to and fro across the earth the Word cannot be hidden or silenced through the airwaves. It is protected from terrorists who can’t stop it even though they think killing Christians will kill God and His Word.

No matter where we hang our hat or
whatever chair God would have us sit on, it’s all to His glory.
Thursday, January 14, 2016
by Danna Shirley
The new year has arrived and as I ponder the areas in my life (faith, family, and friends), I desire to put the cesspool of stress and anxiety behind me and seek out a cheerful attitude and a joyful result for 2011. No more procrastination! My future is a blank canvas and with God’s help I will paint a new work in my life using His fantastic array of colors . . .
following short story was submitted in the Creative Writing Class at Bartlett
Senior Center, Bartlett, TN. The assignment was to use the random words below
(or any form thereof) and write something interesting.
help ~ blank ~ cheerful ~ family ~ Whippoorwill ~ fantastic
procrastination ~ cesspool ~ joyful
procrastination ~ cesspool ~ joyful
Caring and Compassion is a cool azure and turquoise spraying across the sky
Creativity is a splash of red rose and scarlet in my garden
Dependability and Discipline is a strong tree of taupe and greens
Faith and Forgiveness are sweet spring yellows and gold flowers
A heart of Gratitude and Thanksgiving bursts out with plums and violet
Humor breaks forth with lavender and lilac mirth
Patience and Silence are subtle oranges and amber
Wisdom is a copper tan Whippoorwill fluttering into view.
Lord, when I come to the end of myself, please let me
be complete as one of Your beautiful works of art.
Lord, when I come to the end of myself, please let me
be complete as one of Your beautiful works of art.
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