by Danna Shirley
want to preface this writing by saying if you’ve had an abortion and therefore think you must continue to be pro-choice to justify your decision, rest
assured you no longer have to remain there because God is Love and God Forgives.
All He requires is that you accept Jesus into your heart as your Lord and
Savior, confess and repent of your sins (not just the abortion but any and all
sins…for we all have sinned), and ask for forgiveness. God loves you and when
God forgives,
“He has removed [your] sin as far from [you]
as the east is from the west.” (Psalm 103:12)
Satan cannot condemn
you any more with guilt or fault, blame or shame, grief or regret. You are now
a child of the Most High God and He loves you as His very own.
My personal story: I was the third and last daughter. I was not planned and
a total surprise as my mother had already seen the doctor about birth control. It
didn’t work! They hadn’t made the first payment on the diaphragm before
she got pregnant with me (1948). She told me a few years ago, “If abortion had been legal then, you wouldn’t
be here.” Now, at age 96, she swears she never said that. How would I know
if she hadn’t told me? If
she had aborted me I wouldn’t have met my wonderful husband, had my three
beautiful children, or my three precious grandgirls. However, I would still be
in heaven, just a lot sooner than I will be now.
month is the anniversary of the event that took place on January 22, 1973 when the
U.S. Supreme Court decided that the right to an abortion was part of a woman’s
right to privacy. The law has protected the killing of unborn babies ever since.
I became a Christian in 1980 and God opened my blind eyes.
The Pro-Life / Pro-Choice question has
now been in a battle for 43 years.
advocates view their opponents as baby worshipers who ignore the rights of the
mother and want to interfere with their private lives.
advocates view the opposite position as a very profitable money-making business
of convenience, seeing the baby as tissue to be discarded and thrown away, with
no thought or concern for the life of the child or the safety of the mother.
what have we learned after 43 years of struggling with this question?
1. If
abortion is about women’s rights, what about the rights of the unborn females?
2. If the mother is removing unwanted tissue, why does she grieve and mourn and regret her decision even years after the abortion?
2. If the mother is removing unwanted tissue, why does she grieve and mourn and regret her decision even years after the abortion?
3. Science has progressed to the point of successful surgeries being performed on the baby in the womb. [In 1999 Samuel Armas as a 21-week-old unborn baby underwent surgery for Spina Bifida.]
4. According to Dr.
Mehmet Oz (2009), “The embryonic stem cell research debate is now dead.” Why?
“Because embryo cells can become any cell in the body [therefore] they can
become a cancerous cell just as easily. There is new science of induced
stem cells made by reverting skin and other adult stem cells into an
embryonic-like state without the destruction of human life.”
5. We
didn’t know in 1973 what we know now. We can no longer deny it is a baby
because advanced technology has moved us closer and closer to seeing the baby
in the womb. Fascinating!
6. Women are still dying from abortions and babies are being thrown away like garbage. The most horrific case is that of Kermit Gosnell. If you still have any doubt about this practice, please read this Washington Post piece:
6. Women are still dying from abortions and babies are being thrown away like garbage. The most horrific case is that of Kermit Gosnell. If you still have any doubt about this practice, please read this Washington Post piece:
7. Recent
events have revealed video of Planned Parenthood selling baby body parts. There is "spin" of explanation from both sides on this issue but the bottom line is: How far down can humanity go?
"There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to Him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies, and a man who stirs up dissension among brothers." (Proverbs 6:16-19)
quote by John Calvin came to my attention recently: “When God wants to judge a nation, He gives them wicked rulers.” Even this year, Congress voted to continue to fund Planned Parenthood with our tax dollars. What
is wrong with our government that we’ve allowed this for so long?
America has been trying to reverse Roe v. Wade for over four decades. The cost
has been unfathomable:
54 million babies!
"Be not deceived; God is not mocked; for whatever a man [nation] sows, that shall he also reap." (Galatians 6:7)
Could it be our nation is reaping what we’ve been
sowing for 43 years? There are no more excuses for us as a people not to see
what we’re doing to innocent children and the innocent mothers who are
believing the lie or are choosing not to accept the truth. We are destroying their
future and our own, and God will not be mocked.
we be killing the doctor who would find the cure for cancer, or the financial
giant that would lift people out of poverty, or engineers, scientists,
inventors, pastors, teachers, or just the average husband and wife who would
devote their lives to raising godly children…respectful, honest citizens for
did this self-serving, self-centered culture appear? Maybe it was in 1973 when
we considered human life as disposable and inconvenient? If you’re reading this
right now, aren’t you glad your mother did not exercise “choice” and abort you?”
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