by Danna Shirley
following short story was submitted in the Creative Writing Class at Bartlett
Senior Center, Bartlett, TN. The assignment was to use the random words below
(or any form thereof) and write something interesting.
Donations God Chair Computer Protection
Scatter Saved Idiotic Vacation Help
Ever since I got saved at age 32 it has been a desire of mine to take a vacation to the Holy Land and walk where Jesus walked. It
fascinates me to read the scriptures and wonder what Christians thought a
hundred years ago about how God would fulfill His Word
that every creature on earth would hear the Gospel and then the end would come.
It has now become a reality with the computer age and the continued technology that is developed almost on a daily basis.
Even with mankind scattered to and fro across the earth the Word cannot be hidden or silenced through the airwaves. It is protected from terrorists who can’t stop it even though they think killing Christians will kill God and His Word.

No matter where we hang our hat or
whatever chair God would have us sit on, it’s all to His glory.
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