Thursday, June 6, 2019

Letter to the Editor ~ Commercial Appeal ~ Memphis, TN

by Danna Shirley (2/13/2019)

Dear Friend,                                                                                                                 
            I am so concerned about the way our country is being divided between the “left” and the “right,” between “pro-abortion” and “pro-life,” between “democracy” and “socialism,” between “fake/false/commentary/spin” and “truth and accurate reporting.” Are we headed for another civil war b/c of the incivility being spouted and our own leaders digging in their heels, not giving an inch toward compromise just so they can proclaim themselves the “winner”…and all the while our country is the one losing. We shouldn’t play this game of party over the people. WE are the people!  

             When Roe v. Wade became the law of the land in 1973, I was already married and had my first child. It seemed the decision didn’t affect me and never would so I had no thoughts on the subject one way or the other. My husband and I pretty much lived our lives w/o the nightly news interfering with our day-to-day activities—rise, work, home, dinner, television, bed…repeat!

            Then I became a Christian in 1980 and my heart changed…as only God and the Holy Spirit can do. When you become a new creation in Christ Jesus, everything you thought and did before is now topsy-turvy and He begins to change you from the inside out. My speech moved from what I wanted, to what God wanted…and God is pro-life. My eyes were opened and I could no longer wade through my day “clueless” because God's conviction shows us what is right and wrong and what He expects us to do about it.

            Now 43 years later, after we’ve killed two generations of children, we can look in the womb and see a 3D picture of the baby; he is not a blob of tissue, his heart is beating, he feels pain, and he sucks his thumb. And 43 years ago, it wasn’t known how an abortion can affect a mother's state of mind and future pregnancies or carrying a baby to term. 

            I read on the web recently that in 2018, the American population was the lowest it’s been in 80 years. The Census Bureau projects that in 16 years there will be more Americans over 65 than under 18. Without children, our future is in danger. No wonder Social Security is in jeopardy; we don’t have enough wage-earners putting into the system…because we’re killing them. Are we killing the person who will discover the cure for cancer, or the next Billy Graham, or the person doing research who may eliminate some of the world’s woes? Pro-choice people spout “the life of the mother” but women are using abortion as birth control or convenience AND they're killing the future population of women as well. 

            Now we’re seeing bills being signed allowing abortion up to the moment of birth (and people are celebrating)…letting the child lie there while the mother and doctor make a decision about killing it. Why would a mother carry a child for nine months and then decide to abort it? What kind of society have we become? God must be grieving over these babies just like we are. He loves us even more than we love our own children b/c He sent His Son to die on a cross for our sins; could you or I have been willing to do the same?

            The left has gone so far left, they’re about to fall into the ocean. Would you have believed the United States could ever consider socialism? I grew up as a proud, patriotic American who stands for the saying of the pledge and the singing of our National Anthem. Our college kids have no idea about life yet, but they are being brainwashed by professors who marched and protested forty years ago. They need to read a history book...or two, or three.

            Socialism: A Socialist country is a country where the government or the public as a whole has control over the economy. In a socialist country, the producing and dispersing of goods is owned by the government. Socialism is placed in between capitalism and communism. Socialism within a country's economic systems, healthcare, education, corporations or other factions exist in these examples: the former Soviet Union, Cuba, and now poverty-stricken Venezuela just to name a few.

            It's hard to believe all Democrats agree with these policies being spouted by their representatives. Are the Dems blindly following their party just b/c its their party and all reason be damned? What has happened to our country which was founded of the people, by the people, and for the people?

            I don’t agree with all of Trump’s tweets and I wish he would just take care of business and forget the name-calling (same for the Democrats) but you can’t deny his results. I choose to remember he’s not a politician, he’s a businessman and a successful one at that…and he’s successfully brought home our companies, brought down unemployment, brought down welfare rolls, and he’s trying to protect our country from illegal criminals coming in and killing our citizens; as well as women/children being raped in the caravans and drugs and MS13 terrorists crossing the border. Why is there such resistance from the left to secure our border? Why, if its coming from our President, it's an automatic thumbs down? Do they hate him more than loving our own country and citizens? If that’s the case, we are doomed.

            I love our men and women in the military because my father fought for our freedom in WWII and my husband went to Viet Nam three times. As a Navy spouse, I’ve lived with the wives of our men who ride the ships and fly the planes. We all stand for patriotism and love of country. It saddens me to see people who should be role models for our youth, take a knee to protest the freedoms we all enjoy and embrace. The “PC” police are having a stronger influence than common sense. It’s not old-fashioned to be patriotic and I hope and pray our young people will see the light and return to some good family/country values. If not, why don't they go to Venezuela and see if they can buy some toilet paper?