Monday, May 30, 2022

The Balm of Gilead

 by Danna Shirley

Balm: an aromatic preparation, such as a healing ointment, applied to a wound. It is more like a liquid resin and flows from certain trees of its own accord to dissolve hardness or to clear and close up wounds.

Balm of Gilead: a rare perfume used medicinally, that was mentioned in the Hebrew Bible and named for the region of Gilead where it was produced. The expression stems from the 1611 King James Version Bible and has come to signify a universal cure.

I have found myself praying for the Balm of Gilead to flow down over people who are in pain. These hurts can be mental, emotional, physical, relational; only God knows our wounds and how to comfort them, to soothe and comfort and coat their agonizing distress with healing ointment. 

Divine Appointment-Wal Mart

 by Danna Shirley

I was at Wal Mart buying groceries and had forgotten my phone in the top basket by the handle. I didn't notice it fell out of the basket when I loaded by groceries. I drove all the way home and when I looked for my phone in my purse, I went into a panic.

I asked my son, Russ, to call my phone to see if it may have fallen somewhere in my car. Nothing! He called it a second time and a sweet young lady answered. She had found it in the parking lot and was afraid a car would drive over it.

I drove back to Wal Mart and met her to retrieve my phone. I hugged her neck and thanked her profusely. I gave her two of my "HAVE A GOD DAY" plaques and asked if I could pray for her. She was a single mother and was crying about the baby daddy who was absent from her life. I pulled her to me and prayed God's blessings upon her and for Him to meet all her needs. 

What satan had meant for evil by me losing my phone, God turned for good in that I got my phone back and was able to pray for her. 

God is so good with Divine Appointments!

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

GETTING OLDER ~ Delight or Fear

 by Danna Shirley

In conversation with a friend recently, the words "Delight or Fear" were spoken and I immediately saw the future of getting older.

If you're a child of God, you view getting older as a DELIGHT...for you are moving closer and closer to being in the loving arms of your Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

If you have not surrendered to God or asked Jesus into your heart, getting older may strike you with FEAR...for your destination may not be so sure to go upward as it might be to go downward.

BUT it is not too late. As long as you have breath, you can make that split second decision to become a Christian...even if in a coma, or on life support, or on your death bed. The Holy Spirit can speak and reach you in your subconscious state and you can surrender your will at that last moment of life.

BUT how much better to surrender to God before the end of life. You can have such a rich, rewarding, peaceful, joyous existence for many days, months, or years before your final destination.

HOPEFULLY that destination will be to go upward into the DELIGHT of His loving arms and not into FEAR of outer darkness for all eternity.