Saturday, March 30, 2019


by Danna Shirley
God has been stirring my spirit again. It is those uncomfortable stirrings you know are happening but you really don’t want them to because you’re settled in and happy where you are. Just as in our physical growth; i.e. infancy, toddler, teen, young adult, middle age, and senior; it also happens in our spiritual growth and in whatever ministry God directs us. I know we're all called in different areas and at different times. So, this is now my new season. I have decided to put my Writing class and Book Club on hold. With all the controversy coming forth politically, I feel our country is in jeopardy and my priority now is to counteract this political push toward socialism.

The decision really became clear while I was talking to my daughter about this new socialist culture that is emerging. I am 70 years old. I grew up during the time when they did drills in school about getting under your desk in case of a nuclear attack. We stood and said the Pledge of Allegiance every morning as we faced the flag with our hand over our heart. We knew about the Cold War and the Berlin Wall.

I came to realize my generation is dying off . . . the 30 and 40 and 50-year-olds still work, have children in sports and help with homework, cook and do laundry and fall into bed at night . . . and the high school and college kids have no knowledge of life outside of their own little world.

So, here I was, watching sitcoms and Hallmark movies and only tuning in to the news about five minutes at a time because my spirit would become so distressed within me. I had to ask myself, what is going to happen to America…when the Baby Boomers are gone?…when Generations X, Y, and Z are so overwhelmed they walk mindlessly through their day?…when the Centennials, being indoctrinated by their teachers and professors who push the socialist agenda, start to vote in the election process? Do they even know what socialism is? Watch…

Capitalism: private enterprise, free enterprise, private ownership, free market; individuals freely decide what they will produce and who they will serve.
Socialism: production, distribution, and exchange is owned or regulated by the community as a whole; everyone is entitled to everything, no one is responsible for anything.

So, in realizing I can no longer sit back watching sitcoms, which, by the way, are also indoctrinating the public, I have been asked to join a new organization, Battle for America PAC ( Mission Statement is:
"To educate our young people on the value of life
and to encourage love of country, nonviolence,
and support for our free market enterprise."

In doing some research, I came across these two quotes:
"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." --Abraham Lincoln
“We will take America without firing a shot ... we will bury you! We can’t expect the American people to jump from capitalism to communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving them small doses of socialism, until they awaken one day to find that they have communism. We do not have to invade the United States, we will destroy you from within.” – Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev

Tuesday, March 26, 2019


By Danna Shirley
Sometimes it’s scary to realize your dream is a direct communication from God. For what purpose? Maybe it’s to get your attention through your sleep mode when He can’t get your attention consciously. Just such a dream happened to me (March 21, 2019). 

I had been holding resentment in my heart against someone for a few months and had decided I would not have contact with them anymore. There would have been no changing of positions on either side so, to keep the peace and have peace of mind, I thought it was best to avoid the issues.

BUT GOD . . . when He comes into the situation, all other options fall away. My decision was not God’s decision and so He gave me a dream addressing the scenario that I had dismissed. In the dream I was in an extreme argument with another person in front of a crowd to the point of clear animosity. I removed myself from the room and went upstairs.

BUT GOD . . . convicted me for how I displayed myself as a Christian and so I sent for the person to come upstairs. I didn’t know how I would begin but the moment they entered the room, I threw my arms around their neck and cried and apologized and started praying.

THEN GOD . . . woke me from the dream. I was crying and praying out loud the same thing I had been praying in the dream. He showed me the dream was between me and the person with whom I had severed my relationship. He did not want ME to hold animosity in my heart which would keep me from fellowship with Him.

You know we can learn many, many lessons on forgiveness in our years as a Christian BUT GOD continues to have to teach us over and over again. Why can’t we ever learn it once and for all? Why? I guess because we live in this fallen world and the things of the world attach themselves to us. We must constantly ask God to keep us chaste and pure from the world and its effects AND . . . to never quit teaching us and convicting us when we fall back into those old patterns.

Thank You, Lord, that you didn’t leave me in a state of unforgiveness but brought me out and into a closer walk with You, which is where I always want to be.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019


©Danna Shirley
“Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. Now He who searches the hearts knows what the Mind of the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God." (Rom 8:26-27)

I’ve groaned in my spirit many times, especially when words could not be formed in my mind and reasoning eluded me. How do I know what to pray? How do I know what to petition God for when I don’t know the right direction? Only God knows the end from the beginning. Only God! I have been in deepdeep intercession, with groanings that could not be uttered, only three times in my spiritual life.

The first time I was a fairly new Christian (1982) and newly baptized in the Holy Spirit. I was attending a prayer meeting with ladies from my church at Cedar Lake Christian Assembly, Biloxi, MS. We were in someone’s home and offering prayer requests at the time. With each request, the group went to prayer for that need. My need was for my brother-in-law who had just gone into rehab for alcoholism.
As we began to pray, I stood and raised my hands to the Lord. All of a sudden I was groaning so deep within my spirit that I sounded like another person. God was in control and even though I was startled by what was happening, I did not quench the Spirit. I felt everyone around me rise and form a circle, laying hands on me and praying in the Spirit. My deep intercession stopped just as quickly as it had begun. It was over, almost like the prayer had been answered and we could move on to the next request.
I called my mother-in-law later that day to tell her of my experience and ask what it meant. She told me later what she learned. At the moment I was praying for my brother-in-law, he was going through extreme withdrawal and considered walking out of rehab forever. My intercession helped him through the physical pain and he remained in the program.

My second experience with “groanings” came at the altar of Vancleave Assembly of God, Vancleave, MS in 2001. This particular Sunday a lady visitor went to the altar. She spoke privately with the pastor and he began to pray. She was slain in the Spirit and as she lay on the floor, I went over and knelt beside her. I laid hands on her and began to pray softly in the Spirit. I didn’t know the need but all of a sudden I was groaning and crying. My chest was racked with pain and such heaviness that I could hardly breathe. I rocked back and forth, back and forth on my knees. I could not stop praying for this woman.
When the intercession finally broke, I stood, grabbed my purse and Bible, and fled the sanctuary. I didn’t want to face anyone, especially this stranger who probably thought I was crazy and irrational. With my first intercession I knew who I was praying for and why. But this experience was a mystery to me. I did not know this lady and I had not heard her request. I never learned anything about her. Maybe her need was only in that one place for that one moment and God used me to intercede for her.

My third “groanings” occurred at the altar of Bartlett 1st Assembly of God, Bartlett, TN (December 2011). My dear friend had been suffering from an incident of physical abuse by her ex-husband. She had been in severe pain for many months and was on a waiting list for a hip replacement due to the injuries inflicted by this man. On her way into the sanctuary, she told me she could hardly get out of bed that morning but God had told her, “Go to church!” and so she was there.
The sermon was on Habakkuk’s prayer:  “Lord, I have heard the report about You and I fear. O Lord, revive Your work in the midst of the years, in the midst of the years make it known; in wrath remember mercy.” (Habakkuk 3:2)
The altar call was given but my friend didn’t move. I knew God had summoned her to church for a blessing so I motioned for her to meet me at the altar. We stood in front of one of the deacons and I laid hands on her and began to pray softly in the Spirit. Soon I was in deep intercession. Then I felt we were surrounded by others. My “groanings” subsided as we all lifted our prayers to heaven on her behalf. We don’t know why we weep before the Lord for others but those who are knowledgeable in intercession rejoice over this gift.
As a former Methodist who has experienced the baptism in the Holy Spirit, no one can tell me it’s not real. I have been blessed by this touch from God and will never deny it. I also feel sorry for those who reach up to touch God and will only go so far and no farther. They quench the Spirit, maybe because of fear of the unknown, maybe because of judgment by others, maybe because they’re satisfied by a limited experience with God, but my prayer is . . .
Lord, revive Your work in the midst of the years . . .
make it known . . . remember mercy.

Even Christ interceded with “groanings” . . .
“In the days of His flesh, He offered up both prayers 
and supplications with loud crying and tears 
to the One able to save Him from death
and He was heard because of His piety.” (Heb 5:7)


©Danna Shirley

The Bible calls it falling under the power of God but among Charismatics today it is called being slain in the Spirit (see scriptures). I’m sure a more profound description can be given by Biblical scholars; however, I will just tell you of my experience.
The first two times I was slain by the power of God was during two Evangelistic meetings in Gautier, Mississippi. A guest Evangelist, David Alsobrook from Brentwood, TN spoke at our church in February 1992, just prior to my family moving to Japan in June. I had listened to his cassette tapes and read his books and monthly newsletter for years. When his schedule brought him to south Mississippi, I asked my pastor if we could invite him to speak at our church and Brother Tolar graciously gave him four nights. We were packed out with visitors, as several other churches announced his meetings.
Attending Charismatic services throughout my years as a Christian, I had witnessed several believers being slain in the Spirit so it was not foreign to me. I, however, had never been touched in that way and had already accepted the fact that it probably would never happen to me.
The first night’s altar call was for a specific purpose I felt didn’t apply and so I did not go forward but stayed in the back of the church. Those who did go up were on the floor in a short time. Then David gave a general call for prayer. Since my sixteen-year-old niece had just been injured in a head-on collision, I decided I would ask him to pray for her. I had rehearsed in my mind how I would explain her injuries and how he would pray an eloquent prayer and then move on to the next person. 
David began stepping over bodies and started walking up the aisle toward me. I wasn’t prepared for what happened next. As I opened my mouth to tell him about my niece, he didn’t even listen! He just touched my forehead and I went down like a rock! Evidently, you don’t have to tell anyone the details of a prayer need . . . God knows already! I don’t know how long I lay in the aisle and I assume people were stepping over me as well.
The second and third nights of David’s messages were also met with many people being touched by God. That doesn’t mean everyone present is slain in the Spirit, but it does mean that the Spirit’s presence, if allowed, will definitely change some lives.
When it was known my family was moving to Japan, I had received many “words” from well-meaning friends who said I would have a ministry to the Japanese people. So, on the fourth night, when David gave an altar call for those who wanted to step out in their ministry, I went forward. I couldn’t imagine what kind of “ministry” I might have because up until this time I had been a behind-the-scenes worker, just quietly doing my job. I didn’t necessarily want or need to be seen by anyone. 
Several of us went up for prayer and David went down the line praying for each one. When he got to me, although he had already heard I was going to Japan, he said, “I see you ministering to Americans.” Then he touched my forehead and moved on without another word. I fell backward and couldn’t move. It was February and I remember thinking, “It’s awfully hot in here. I wish I had taken off this sweater!” 
When David came back down the line, he pointed at me and said, “God is all over you!” I believed him because I knew then that the heat I was feeling was the Holy Spirit’s fire and it was coming from the inside out. It would have been so easy for David to tell me my ministry was to the Japanese people; however, I don’t credit him for knowing anything except that he listened to the Holy Spirit and spoke as this word of knowledge was given to him. Yes, my ministry was to Americans!
Although I witnessed to a few Japanese people in the five years we lived in Japan and I also taught a few English classes, my ministry was mainly to the Navy wives whose husbands were stationed in Sasebo, Japan. I taught a Bible study for four years, led Praise and Worship for the Charismatic service at the base chapel, and even preached a few times from the pulpit.  I coordinated the Harvest Party (Halloween) for three years and in general just did whatever came up. So, in essence, I did have a ministry to Americans!
Now fast forward a few years to 1994 . . .
Aaron, my youngest, was now a very difficult thirteen-year-old having many problems in school; especially with his P. E. teacher. Ron and I had received numerous phone calls about his behavior and we were all strongly warned what would happen if he didn’t correct his attitude. Ron threatened him and I cajoled him to behave himself and clean up his act.

So-o-o . . . the last time I was slain in the Spirit was during a Sunday night Charismatic service. We had several sailors who attended when their ship was in port and one of them, John Reed, arrived to say God was giving him one word he strongly felt was meant for someone in the service. The word was struggle!”
Our Chaplain said if anyone felt this word was for them, they should come up for prayer. I knew with every fiber of my being that it was for me so I jumped up and ran to the front. Chaplain stood before me and his wife stood behind me. As he began to pray, it felt as if my body was being lifted off the floor and the only part of me that touched earth was my toes. I fell under the power of God and when I opened my eyes, I saw a vision of the word, struggle, blinking like a neon light. Then a wave of water washed over it and every time it blinked it faded more and more until it was washed away completely. Then all I saw was the bottom of a folding chair. I don’t know how I got under there without hurting myself but I know I didn’t hit my head.
I left the service floating on air and continued to float throughout the week. All the struggles I was experiencing with Aaron seemed to be under my feet and I was in the clouds. By Thursday, Aaron was suspended from school . . . and I was still floating. God knew what I would be facing and He prepared me to rise above the circumstances and keep my eyes on Him. 
I’d like to point out that I’ve experienced being slain in the Spirit only three times this intensely in my years as a Christian. God can get our attention this way; however, He also can get our attention with His “still, small voice.” (1 Kings 19:12)
There might be some skeptics who would view this as exaggerated or melodramatic but no one can tell me it didn’t happen because I encountered the presence of God myself and HE IS AWESOME! 
It has been said, “A man with an argument
                     is no match for a man with an experience.”   --Unknown

“And it came about when the priests came from the holy place, that the cloud filled the house of the Lord, so that the priests could not stand to minister because of the cloud, for the glory of the Lord filled the house of the Lord.” (1 Kings 8:10-11)

“...when the trumpeters and the singers were to make themselves heard with one voice to praise and to glorify the Lord, and when they lifted up their voice accompanied by trumpets
and cymbals and instruments of music, and when they praised the Lord saying, ‘He indeed is good for His lovingkindness is everlasting,’ then the house, the house of the Lord, was filled with a cloud, so that the priest could not stand to minister because of the cloud, for the glory of the Lord filled the house of God.” (2 Chron 5:14 NAS)

“And it came about that as he [Saul] journeyed, he was approaching Damascus, and suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him; and he fell to the ground...” (Acts 9:3-4 NAS)

I [John] was in the Spirit on the Lord’s Day...And when I saw Him [Jesus], I fell at His feet as a dead man.(Rev 1:10, 17 NAS)
June 2007, Postscript"
As I wrote in my story, “ felt as if my body was being lifted off the floor and the only part of me that touched earth was my toes.” I wondered if the reader would actually believe me or would they consider this an overstatement as I was caught up in the drama of the moment. I had a hard time believing it myself . . . until I found the following account written in a book I was reading in September 2008:

          Rapture of any sort has about it an element of transport. It is as moving as it is resplendent, but its resplendence cannot be defined.
          No dictionary can make this real to us; it is too experiential to be defined.  Things real but indefinable we call mystery, and mystery lies at the heart of rapture.  Those who have known it attest to its reality by their failure to define it. Dumb before its power, they confess, “The greatest meaning that may be known is buried in a mystery so deep that I cannot express its reality to fit within the mind of another.”  Still, it is a state to be praised, for its sweetness lingers in the heart and leaves all those who have experienced it with the need to experience it again and again . . .
          At such a moment—at the peak of rapture—we not only are at a loss to define it, we also can no longer explain it to those who witness our captivity to its spell. We know only that to be lost in the joy of knowing God is, in itself, a kind of elation. If we are spiritually healthy, we never get addicted to the elation, but to the Savior. And we find rapture an immense aid in carrying us over the rough and painful places of our lives.
          I once visited a cave in Spain where Saint Teresa of Avila and Saint John of the Cross became so lost in the rapture of their prayers, that they levitated—at least, this is what the natives say. Whether they actually levitated may be questioned, but surely they experienced a buoyancy in their joy.*

I was so happy to find this actually written down. It confirmed that my deep experience with God has also been experienced by others.  It also defined what God was doing at the time . . . “carrying [me] over the rough and painful places” with Aaron.

* Loving God Up Close – Rekindling Your Relationship with the Holy Spirit
Calvin Miller, 2004, pages 144 and 145. 

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

A Prayer

by Danna Shirley
 Don't Fear, For I AM with YOU ecard, online card
I've had my share of issues, as does everyone, but it seems some are more targeted by satan than others. I'm reminded of Job: 

"And the LORD said to Satan, “Have you considered my servant Job, that there is none like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man, who fears God and turns away from evil?" Then Satan answered the LORD and said, “Does Job fear God for no reason? Have you not put a hedge around him and his house and all that he has, on every side? You have blessed the work of his hands, and his possessions have increased in the land. But stretch out your hand and touch all that he has, and he will curse you to your face.” And the LORD said to Satan, “Behold, all that he has is in your hand. Only against him do not stretch out your hand." (Job 1:8-12) 

I've often wondered if God said, "Only against him do not stretch out your hand," then why was he afflicted with boils, etc. The more afflicted we are, the more we should love Jesus Christ. Satan wants us to curse God...he should just give up!!!

Satan tries to target any and all areas of our life to defeat us: relationships,  health, emotions, pets, family, technology, home. He knows we want to be faithful servants. 

What was the final outcome for Job? The Lord restored his fortune and blessed the latter part of his life more than the former. So what happened to Job between Chapter 2 and Chapter 42? Lessons learned?! 

What lessons does God have for us to learn? Only God knows and He will reveal it in His timing. But even in all affliction, He opens ministry for us. I'm reminded of all the testimonies I've heard from missionaries on the mission field. What they've suffered the most seems to have brought the greatest blessings for God's Gospel and the furtherance of the Kingdom. We are excited about sharing what the Lord has done because the greatest blessings far outweigh the afflictions.

So how do we pray? How do we justify the good vs the bad; the affliction vs the blessing? We bind up the works of the enemy and loose the power of God. 
“Whatever you bind [forbid, declare to be improper and unlawful] on earth will have [already] been bound in heaven, and whatever you loose [permit, declare lawful] on earth will have [already] been loosed in heaven." (Mt 16:19 AMP) 

How does that relate to our life? I'm sure we've done some extreme binding and loosing. This is probably the biggest and most asked age-old question of all time...WHY GOD? Sometimes there is no answer except to just pray and keep on praying, ask and keep on asking, seek and keep on seeking, knock and keep on knocking. And God's faithfulness says, for everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. Simon Peter asked, "Lord, to Whom shall we go? You have the Words of eternal life." (John 6:68). I ask the same thing!

Lord God Almighty, Maker of Heaven and Earth, our Great and Mighty Physician, You have the words of life. I come to You now not for answers because Your ways are higher than my ways and I have no understanding except to trust that You know the end from the beginning. I am Your child and know that You have my best in Your hands. You will not give me a stone or a scorpion or a snake. I trust in You. I lean upon You. I rely upon You and know that You have me in the palm of Your hand. You count the hairs on my head. You capture my tears in a bottle. 

I thank You that my name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life and every day I live I am getting closer to being with You in heaven. This world is not my home. But while I'm here, use me to further Your Kingdom. Continue to give me great testimonies of Your love and grace and mercy. Help me to minister to those You bring across my path and into my life. Let Your blessings far outweigh any afflictions satan tries to throw at me. He is defeated and knows his time is short.
I praise You, Lord, and thank You for Jesus Christ and His obedience, His sacrifice, His pain and suffering on the cross. He looked down through time and saw me; saw my ups and downs, peaks and pits, tears and laughter, and knew the end would be better than the beginning. 

So Lord, I ask You to continue to keep Your hand upon me. I ask for Your grace and Your mercy, Your guidance and direction, Your protection, Your hand of healing, Your hand of deliverance, Your forgiveness, Your hand of mercy, Your restoration to cover my life, my thoughts, my words, my deeds. Put a hedge of protection around me that satan cannot penetrate. Let all his fiery darts fall to the ground as wet straw. 

I bind up the works of the enemy that have targeted me to keep me down and discouraged, sick with pain and infection. I loose the power of Almighty God to restore everything the enemy has stolen and return it ten-fold. I ask for You to multiply all efforts to further Your Kingdom in ministry. Open up areas in my life to be a blessing to others; to use my gifts and talents to glorify You, Lord. 

Give me financial stability to take care of myself and give back in areas You will open and reveal to me. Bless the work of my hands. Help me to be a light to shine in wherever dark place You send me. Help me to rest when I need rest and to persevere when I need to move forward, as You are my example when You worked for six days and rested on the seventh.
Lord, restore my health. Touch every area of my body and release me from any pain and infection targeted against me. I am Your faithful, loving child and I so desire to be used mightily by You.
Lord, I ask all of this in Jesus precious Name. Amen!