Saturday, June 13, 2020

Rants on Facebook

by Danna Shirley

Those that "speak their minds w/judgment and condemnation" do so b/c they feel Facebook is safe for them to vent. No one can come thru the computer and look them in the eye, face to face, and confront. Our culture has created this tool where no one has to be tactful or face the consequences of their words...or they feel it's safe to continue to rise up stronger and louder and more hostile. They are an embarrassment to themselves and everyone who gets behind their tirade.

Example: the riots our country is experiencing now with total chaos and confusion. Yes, what those police officers did was wrong and set in motion these protests...but the continued upheaval, murders, and looting are the work of the enemy [satan] and those who are following him and doing his bidding.

I pray this incident will now open every blind eye of racism and bring healing and reconciliation to our country and our people. Maybe I'm naïve about it but as a 72-year-old grandmother, I thought we were way beyond what Dr. King began in 1965. We are approaching 200 years since the Civil War and we're still fighting. Let's GET OVER IT and know who our enemy is, satan, and not GIVE him control. When we give in to these riots, we ARE GIVING HIM CONTROL and he just sits back and smiles and snaps his fingers.  

Thursday, June 4, 2020


by Danna Shirley

I woke this morning and began praying through my prayer list. This phrase has been coming to me for the last week: 
My prayers are but a drop in the ocean
compared to all the prayers prayed to God
in just one moment of time.

Does that mean I quit praying? NO
"Rejoice always, PRAY WITHOUT CEASING, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." (1 Thess 5:16-18)

Does that mean God doesn't hear my prayers? NO
"O LORD, YOU HAVE HEARD the desire of the humble; You will strengthen their heart, You will incline Your ear." (Psalm 10:17)

Does that mean my prayers are insignificant to God? NO
"You did not choose Me but I CHOSE YOU, and appointed you that you would go and bear fruit, and that your fruit would remain, so that whatever you ask of the Father in My name He may give to you." (John 15:16)

Does what concerns me, concern God. YES
"The Lord will PERFECT THAT WHICH CONCERNS ME; Your mercy, O Lord, endures forever; do not forsake the works of Your hands." (Psalm 138:8)

As I go through my prayer list and see all those requests I’ve prayed over and over again and have not seen any change or the “yes” answer I want, what keeps me on my knees in perseverance and pursuit?
" . . . 'Lord, TO WHOM SHALL WE GO? You have the words of eternal life.'" (John 6:68)

Then I am reminded of ALL THE ANSWERED PRAYERS I’ve seen over my forty years as a Christian; all the prayers I've removed from my list because they were answered.
1.   My salvation is the biggest miracle for He took this sinner and turned me around, changed my heart, and has used me for His kingdom.
2.   He brought salvation to my whole household: my husband, children, and grandchildren.
3.   He healed and delivered my husband from cluster headaches.
4.   He’s given me several visions of comfort showing me just how much I am loved.
5.   He’s given me encouraging words to speak to others.
6.   He’s used me several times in praying for others and seeing those prayers answered.
7.   I taught a Bible study in Japan and I saw many of my Navy wife friends grow in their faith. I also grew spiritually, more so than when I was in the U.S.
8.   I’ve fasted for my rebellious teenage son for three days and seen a 180° turn around in his behavior and attitude.
9.   I’ve done a Jericho walk around a bar and seen it close within a few weeks.

And many more too numerous to mention. I have seen and experienced the hand of God on my life and ministry and I am convinced He holds me in the palm of His hand and nothing can take me away from His protection.

I will continue to pray and seek God's face. He knows the end from the beginning and He works everything out for my good and His glory. AMEN!

Tuesday, June 2, 2020


by Danna Shirley
I found an old journal from 2016 and started to reread it. Here are some of my thoughts and visions at that time...

1) Ask/thank Jesus for cleansing me with His blood. Obey Him from previous revelations and confess and turn from any sin in my life. Thank Him for His endless forgiveness and grace.
2) Ask God to give me a teachable and humble attitude and to shine an even greater light on the revelations I already have.
3) Present my mind to God for Him alone to use me and turn me from any temptation.
4) Ask God to enlighten the eyes of my heart as I slow down and watch for it.
5) Present the abilities He gave me to reason and imagine with God, and expect (with thankfulness) for Him to flow through these things--reason and imagination. 
6) Thank God for all He shows me.

What distracts me from His presence? What stops the flow of hearing from Him? When am I at my best?
I see that you're hurting and I want to heal you. Remove television and computer--only for purpose of seeking Me and My Word. NO games! Go to bed so I can give you dreams and visions.
If my day takes me out of the house, when I return I will seek His face. Otherwise, early morning...journal my dreams and visions.

Shift from religious routine and know Him intimately. Make my heart fertile ground; plant good seeds; renew my mind. He longs to encounter me and each encounter is different.
Be relentless pursuing God. Heaven comes to earth. Read Psalm 91 every day to step into the secret place of His glory...there will be no perception of time.
Rest in Him and allow Him to commune with me...let Him overtake me and move me into a deeper level.
Read Exodus 33:9 and John 17:3

1) Expectancy: He'll answer...ask for the desires of my heart.
2) Surrender: Worship in faith.
3) Sacrifice: Offer Him myself; express anything else that comes to me.
4) Receive: Let Him love on me, heal me; freedom and gratitude.

Lord, what means have I used to effectively still myself to hear from You? 
What methods would you like me to cultivate?
God said, "Dwell in My presence. Rest. Sleep."
God's Words are seeds. They have to be in His presence to grow--He's the soil, the Water, the Sun.
2 Tim 2:15 "Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the WORD OF TRUTH." (NKJV)
Study (meditate); knowledge puffs up but godly wisdom acts on the Word of God and lives it. 

Lord, what do You want to say to me?

The Christian's foundation is the Bible. Whenever a Christian journals, we hear what God is saying and we ask the question, "Does it line up with biblical principles?"
New Age's foundation is their current philosophy; whatever their spirit encounters at the time. 

A Christian's goal is to meet with God Almighty. 
A New Ager wants to have an encounter with any spirit out there.

A Christian's process is fellowship with the Holy Spirit and trusting Him. 
New Ager's use drugs, mantras, and mediums to enter the spirit realm. The enemy only counterfeits the valuable things of God.

Five specific safeguards for hearing God's voice and all aspects of the spiritual realm:
1. Must be a born-again Christian.
2. Must accept the Bible as the inerrant Word of God.
3. Must demonstrate love and respect for God by commitment to His Word.
4. Have an attitude of submission to what God has shown in the Bible.
5. Have a spiritual advisor for input on a regular basis.

Six qualities of a good advisor/counselor:
1. Should be a close friend (same sex)
2. Should have a solid biblical orientation.
3. Should sense the voice of the Spirit.
4. Should be willing to commit as a counselor (dedicated to the Kingdom of God)
5. Should also receive counsel (be teachable)
6. Should be ahead or alongside in the area of the advice being sought.
Always ask God, "Please show me the truth in what my advisor/counselor says."

Try to detect your most dominant way(s) and be careful to recognize and resist the weaknesses common with this way, while appreciating the strengths. Then honor and be open to hearing God in every way.
Knowers notice the thoughts from God clearly (Job 38:36; Acts 16)
·         Knowers have the ability to push through obvious barriers.
·         Knowers are commonly right about the way things will turn out.
·         Once a Knower encounters the Word of God little or nothing can stop them.
·         Knowers have a hard time valuing those w/different dominant ways of hearing God.
·         Knowers have a tendency to “overvalue” their knowing and leave others behind.
·         When God changes directions, Knowers sometimes miss it.

Seers are very visionary (1 Chron 29:29)
·         Seers can see past what most people see; they have long distance vision.
·         Seers are entrepreneurial, intercessory, and a “just go for it” perspective.
·         God entrusts Seers with big pictures.
·         God gives Seers that spark of faith for the impossible and longevity to see it fulfilled.
·         Seers have a hard time with those close to them who don’t see what they see.
·         They can grow weary in waiting and in seemingly mundane or daily things in life.

Hearers have a key sense of knowing what God is speaking (Habakkuk 2:1-2)
·         Hearers work independently and keep the Word they hear.  
·         Hearers have a special way of hearing what others can’t hear.
·         Hearers can point to a moment of hearing which grounds confidence in the Word.
       Having confirmation from others is important and should be sought.
·         Hearers can’t always see details in the big picture.
·         Hearers can develop an independent mindset and devalue a team mindset.

Feelers have an insight into the emotions of God (Acts 2:43)
·         Feelers tend to experience God’s emotions in unprecedented ways.
·         Feelers can catch spiritual moments that most people would miss.
·         Once Feelers encounter the Word of God, little will stop them.
·         Feelers can have a hard time functioning unless everything “feels” right.
·         Feelers have a tendency to “over value” what they feel and leave others out who may
      hear God predominately in other ways.
·         Feelers can sometimes undervalue what they feel and dismiss seeing God in it.
We can have more than one dominant way of hearing God that is in our natural make-up, but we all have at least one way we function more naturally than in others.

No limits with God! (1 Corinthians 1:6-7; Romans 8:11)
We can seek Him in all these areas through intimacy with Him and step into each way and cultivate them with the help of the Holy Spirit.

Journaling at least once a week to have a clear and intimate conversation with God about what you are sensing, feeling, or thinking will keep you on track and give you clarity no matter in what area you dominantly or naturally recognize Him.

Journaling exercise:
Go to a quiet place and be alone with God.
Fix your eyes on Jesus. Picture yourself with Him and Him with you.
Ask God how you can personally cultivate ways of hearing Him on a daily basis.
Ask Him what He has to say to you concerning what is currently on your heart.
Tune to the spontaneous thoughts and pictures that light up on your mind.

Write them down.

Here is some music to help quiet yourself before Him:            


by Danna Shirley
I found an old journal from 2015 and started to reread it. Here are some of my thoughts and visions from God at that time, plus some quotes from other people...

Prayer at it's highest is a two way conversation -- and for me the most important part is listening to God's replies. -- Frank C. Laubach

May we always be dialoguers in prayer and never monologuers. God wants to talk with you, even hearing and answering your many questions. Be sure you allow Him time to speak with you, as you anticipate His loving reply. -- Craig T. Owens

Lord, how do you see me?
Too distracted to seek Me--even when you have the time.
Forgive me, Lord. Please wake me early to go into my prayer closet. Let me experience again the joy of my salvation. Use me, Lord, as I go throughout my day...
"Catch for us the foxes; the little foxes that ruin the vineyards, our vineyards that are in bloom." (Song of Sol 2:15)

Hebrews 11:1  Faith is assurance of things hope for...
Hebrews 11:6  Without faith it is impossible to please God...
Galatians 5:6   The only thing that counts is faith expressed in love...
John 4:18  Speak the truth to God; the more we know God, the more we're perfected in His love. No fear...boldness.
Fear is from devil; Faith is from Jesus; fear is faith in reverse. Faith is released in love.

How close are You, God, to me?
You are wrapped in My arms--you are laced in My fingers.

What do You, God, want me to release?
Television--mindless entertainment. Replace it with time with Me.
Release condemnation regarding Callie Ferrell.

"Faith actualizes what it realizes. Faith takes what you see in the unseen, and forces it into natural reality." --Bill Johnson

Lord, reassure me of Your presence and increase my faith to know, that I know, that I know...
God gave me this vision: I lay down in a warm recliner of comfort--God closes the cocoon over me and I'm a child in the womb--surrounded by the fluid of life--oh, thank You, Lord.

While attending a Women Unlimited Potluck at Bartlett 1st Assembly, the speaker had us meditate on seeing ourselves with Jesus. This is the vision God gave me...
Dear God, Thank You for loving me--for sacrificing Your very life for me even when I wasn't worthy of Your love--How do YOU love ME?
Then I saw his footprints in the sand and He said, "Follow Me. Don't veer to the right or the left." Then I saw my small footprint inside His large one and I knew I was following in His footsteps.

To Hear God's Voice...
1) Quiet yourself down 
2) Focus your eyes on Jesus 
3) Tune your thoughts to flow spontaneously wherever He takes you 
4) Write down the thoughts God gives you...
Then I saw a vision of me sitting at Jesus feet with my head on His lap. He bent over and kissed my hair, His hands were a mother loving her child.
God showed Amber (our Bible study leader) that I was His "shimmering beautiful warrior."

We were asked to set aside our thoughts and let God show us what He says about John 7:37-39:
"All you thirsty ones come to Me! Come to Me and drink so that rivers of living water will burst out from within you; flowing from your innermost being, just like the scripture says."
Then I saw a vision of Jesus with outstretched arms and beginning at His chest, a waterfall was pouring down into a pool of cool, clear water. I don't swim but I saw myself diving into the pool and as I would come up, I would spray water outward with my arms over anyone who was close to me!

Eternal life is to know and experience God. Resolve to step into this intimate experience. 
GOD's RESOLVE to me...grace to reciprocate to others. MY RESOLVE...set my mind on the things of the Spirit.

1) What is required to have wholeheartedness for God in my personal life?
I have a physical HEAVY heart for not resolving to draw closer to You, God, when I knew I should. I let distractions take my eyes off You and let other "idols" rise up into first place. Forgive me, Lord. Convict me when I turn my eyes away from You. Keep me ever on the path that leads to You...the straight and narrow path...that neither veers to the right or the left. Break my heart, Lord. Keep me broken...light up my life with Your presence so that my light will shine!

2) How can I show You are my greatest treasure?
Turn off the television; read and study Your Word; pray and write; let my body be a fit temple for Your Holy Spirit; convict me, Lord, when I stray! Convict me, Lord!!!

3) How can I trust You, Lord, and show You that I do?
I believe I've shown my trust in You when I lost Ron. But I haven't trusted You with Russ and Aaron because I physically see their lives and not their hearts. Help me to trust You with their hearts and their follow You all the days of their lives. 

Know and experience God. Hunger to hear God's voice. Tears are the language of the heart. Align with God and release Him into every situation. The world has to line up with God's Word. God puts His stamp on our purpose and our purpose is diminished into His purpose.

How do you see me, Father?
Print of Christ Snuggling an Infant print // Jesus Christ // | EtsyI am Your small child with my head on Your bosom, wrapped in Your arms. Your cheek is on my head as You hold me and sway back and forth rocking me as a baby. Sweet smell of a newborn. I nestle my face in Your neck, I need more of You, sweet comfort and peace. (Two days later I found this picture.)

Come running to Me! I am a good, good Father! Come deeper to Me! I am perfect in all My ways. I love you. Believe even when your eyes can't see! Keep your eyes on Me! It is well with your soul!

Ask God for a hunger to press in to Him...hear Him quickly...obey Him quickly!
God's Hand > ME < God's Face = Anointing!
Declare Healing     Declare Deliverance     Declare Restoration
Press in to signs and wonders that glorify God.

God, how do you see miracles of healing and deliverance? How important are miracles to You?
I see a wave of the sea moving across humanity--rocks stick up here and there as dry ground, not allowing the water to flow over them. Those on the rocks are in a dry place. Those in the water are refreshed, swimming, receiving; swimming in one direction passing the rocks and dry ground. Those in dry places are trying to pull people out of the water but they don't want to go; they want to keep swimming to their destination. Those in dry places don't want to get wet; they don't want to be immersed in this sea. There is no destination in this water, just a continual moving toward a never-ending goal...JESUS!

The Power of the Rhema Word
Rhema = right now Word; God's Word directly spoken or revealed in the heart; which produces His results.
Logos = written or spoken words formulated and shared and received by another. Can become Rhema thru the Holy Spirit.
Is 55:11 "So shall My Word be that goes forth from My mouth; it will not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it."

To STUDY the Word is analytical...
To MEDITATE on the Word is effortless...

Show me where the river within me comes from...
Rainfall from heaven, dancing and twirling in the rain, saturated from without.

Lord, show me how it comes out of me naturally...
Drip, drip, drip--falling down on the hard rock--making it smooth.

What is this flow designed to produce...
Dreams and Visions...don't ignore them!

Vision ~ Bride of Christ

by Danna Shirley
I saw the bride walking toward Jesus. It was in a palace as for a wedding. It was as if she was shimmering down the aisle in a glossy, glowing gown. 
Then I saw satan coming against the bride BUT the holy angels came to protect her. They were as tall as the building, high above the pillars that held the building together. She was protected as she moved toward Jesus. I drew a picture in my journal.