Thursday, February 1, 2018

Sexual Harassment

by Danna Shirley
The subject of sexual harassment has been in the forefront lately and is receiving a lot of exposure (literally and figuratively). We know through studies that youth don't have the sexual maturity (not speaking of equipment) until they're in their 20s. 

Of course guys should not push themselves on girls but what I've seen in some of our TV programs and on reality shows (which I don't watch but channel surfing gives me an eyeful), is that girls are just as guilty with their actions by enticing, tempting, and baiting the guys (unless you're watching the Disney or Hallmark channels). Some actions are suggestive, indecent, and even downright vulgar. 

The way TV programs have everyone falling in bed at their first meeting, no wonder these young kids (both sexes) don't know what to do or how to behave. Some of these awards shows have acts that are almost pornographic, as in these two clips from the 2018 Grammy Awards just a few nights ago.
So, how do we combat this when Hollywood gives awards for such actions?

As adults I hope women will have learned to handle themselves when put in these situations. However, I also think it would be beneficial to have classes for our teens (boys and girls) to learn courtesy, decency, and modesty, and how to fend off advances...but how would they even want to when its popular to be and do the opposite. The conflict is real and when you try to teach good morals, you're looked at as if you've got two heads. 

I don't think the word "enticement" is even strong enough to describe some of these programs on TV, and this is what our kids feed on. They are out there in the world with others of that mindset. This generation, just like my generation and all those to follow, think, "What does mom know anyway, she's not with it, she doesn't understand."

To explain myself as a 70-year-old grandmother, I pray for my grandchildren to stay chaste and pure before God...AND...for their spouses to be chaste and pure for them.

Thanks for listening...

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