Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Your Life Needs Balance

Dr. Steven Gundry | Founder, Gundry MD
You’re exposed to shocking and upsetting news stories on a nonstop basis...disasters, tragedies, political turmoil — it never ends. Honestly, I’m worried it’s gone too far. And I’m not the only one who’s concerned...

Psychologists are now saying too much negative news can cause something called compassion fatigue — sometimes nicknamed “news fatigue.” It’s the state of being overloaded with the bad news/events around you.

I want to show you a simple way to overcome this type of fatigue in this email. First, you have to know how to spot it. The first sign is usually feeling burnt out and detached. Soon after, your happiness and even your relationships start to suffer.

I know this firsthand. This type of fatigue is very common among surgeons. That’s because “bad news” is part of the job — like when you have to tell someone their life-threatening condition is inoperable.

However, thanks to all the bad news being reported in the media... it isn’t just doctors suffering from this anymore...People everywhere are now experiencing this kind of fatigue. That’s how it got the nickname “news fatigue.”

A well-known example happened back in 2006 — when thousands of burnt-out people wrote into the news station NPR. They were begging for a break from the tragic stories about the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina — one of the deadliest disasters in American history.  That was 2006. It’s now 2018, and news fatigue has become an epidemic — because bad news is everywhere you look...the paper, the radio, the TV, your computer, even your phone...

It’s all too easy to go for days without a break from it... and it can really get you down. So, to help you avoid getting as run down as I did, let me give you a crucial piece of advice:
You’ve got to BALANCE OUT all this bad news with good news.

Every day, take at least half an hour to focus on simple, joyous things in life. And I do mean simpleOpen a good book. Spend time with loved ones. Go for a walk outside and leave your phone at home. Maybe even write a journal entry (pen and paper!) about the things you appreciate. One way or another, you have to give yourself a break from the constant state of alarm the media has you in.

Look, we all know there are terrible things in the world. And they deserve our attention. However, there are also wonderful things. And those deserve our attention, too. And the best part? Some of those wonderful things are within your grasp right now. Air in your lungs, clothes on your back, food on your plate, people you care about, corny jokes, good wine, sunshine outside, even RAIN outside...

These are all beautiful gifts the world has given you to experience. And you owe it to the world — and yourself — to enjoy them! So, get off this computer, and go enjoy! And you’ll likely be shocked at how rejuvenated you feel — almost instantly. I know I did.

Looking out for you,
Steven Gundry, MD
Steven Gundry, MD

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