Monday, April 30, 2012

Insight and Out-of-Sight

© 2012 by Danna

These two opposites came to me in different ways but on the same wave length and as I put them together, I realized they are very reflective.

Insight is to have vision, awareness, intuition, instinct, perception, and discernment. All of these are turned inward so that we may reflect upon and study through our own cognizance our surroundings, our character, our virtues, our beliefs, and eventually come to a philosophy of life.

The toddler is intuitive when surrounded with his blocks and the genius when surrounded with his thoughts. Both produce from the result of insight. The toddler assembles, builds, and stacks his blocks. The genius creates, generates, and produces scientific breakthroughs, technological advances, and medical miracles. Both, whether for amusement or for humanity, bring about their desired result through insight.

Out-of-sight is an old expression I remember from the 60s. If something was out-of-sight, it was very cool or out of this world. It was not an inward reflection but an outward joy.

What was out-of-sight then?
The Beetles, the Rolling Stones, and Rock-n-Roll
The Twist, the Jerk, the Pony
My High School
Pep Rallies on game days
and my current crush 

What is out-of-sight now?
My Children ~ My Grandchildren

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