Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Live Unashamed

© 2012 by Danna
Integrity is a key word in reaching life’s destination. It encompasses many virtues. It will keep one honorable in all transactions and will keep one always sought after, for a reputation of reliability and honesty is everyone’s good fortune. Integrity will bring peace into the life of the one living by it because he will not be ashamed of his thoughts, his words, or his deeds.

I’ve heard some referred to as ignorant and thought it meant stupid, but it doesn’t. It means lack of knowledge. I am ignorant in many areas but I am not stupid.  Someone can be very intelligent and not have a diploma. There is the education one receives through academia and then there is the hands-on experience that comes with time. Those with degrees must eventually practice that hands-on experience as well. Everyone can teach us something. Everyone has a degree of intelligence.

It seems there is a lack of modesty in our culture today. Peer pressure frowns on wholesomeness and clean, upright living, which is unfortunate for our young people. I have fond wishes for girls to look and act like ladies and boys to behave like gentlemen. I remember when getting pregnant out of wedlock was shameful and drinking and doing drugs was a death sentence to one’s popularity. Society has come to accept today’s immoral behavior as common and modesty and temperance are dirty words. I guess every generation down through time has asked, “What happened to the ‘good ole days?’ ”

Have you ever met someone who was just good through and through? They have a good heart, they have a good attitude, they have a good outlook on life, and they see the good in everything, everyone, and every situation. Goodness is on their countenance. It is a pleasure to encounter someone that encourages, uplifts, and fortifies your day. You come away a much better person for the experience. My father was one of these good people!

Walking in health can be quite a challenge today. Our pre-packaged, pre-processed, instant lifestyle chooses convenience over well being as we travel down the aisles of our local grocery store. Unfortunately, our tastes require food coloring for desirability and food additives to preserve those items on the shelves until we select them and take them home. Then we complain with numerous ailments that our ancestors never experienced. Why? They shopped in the garden. Next time you do your shopping, don’t travel the aisles, travel the edges. You will find the healthier foods are on the perimeter.

The phrase “as pure as the driven snow” may describe someone who is virtuous or someone who is naïve but the description usually gets the point across. Make every effort to strive for purity (innocence) for it makes one transparent and leads to trustworthiness. I would much rather conduct business with someone who is open and forthright than to deal with someone who is deceptive and suspicious. To live “as pure as the driven snow” is not an insult, it is to be praised.
I took my first typing class in tenth grade and I experienced what it must feel like for a pianist when he sits down to play Mozart. I was hooked and I’m still hooked today! It distresses me to see words misspelled, to see sloppy files, to see paper that is cut crooked, or even see paper clips bent or strung together like a necklace. That’s the “secretary” in me. I received a good work ethic from my parents who grew up on farms in Arkansas during the depression. I guess you could say that productivity was a virtue in my household. Giving back instead of always taking from is something to be commended.   

As we move into life’s experiences, we must consider how we will live.
Will we live unashamed or will we live with regret?    

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