Monday, January 7, 2019


Danna Shirley
"In the beginning God created..."  (Genesis 1:1)

When God “created” in Genesis 1:1, He formed, fashioned, produced, and created out of nothingness. He sculpted the universe and saw that it was good! Just two short chapters later, man was tempted by the serpent and all of mankind has suffered since. But God has always had His "new beginnings" ...with Noah, with Abraham, with Christ, and with us.  

I know we all tend to look at January 1st as a magical date to start the year off right, so to speak. We might even vow, much to our dismay, that we will succeed …THIS TIME! We will not fall back into our old routines and patterns that have disillusioned and dissatisfied us.

January is a "new beginning"...beginning a new month and a new year. It offers us the chance to start again, with the opportunity to put our failures and muddled messes in the past. We have a new slate! Isn't God awesome as He prepares and stretches our clean white canvas and provides the paints and brushes to produce another glorious twelve-month creation? 

Have you ever watched an artist create a painting? He uses light and dark shadows to create depth, mistakes are quickly corrected with a new color, and direction is easily changed with one stroke of the brush. Our lives are not the paint by number kit with set boundaries and having to always stay within the lines. Our lives are bright or pastel, bold or modest, with shadows and highlights, in the hands of the Master Painter. 

He creates the masterpiece as He sees fit and when all of the colors reach the edge of our life's frame; God has accomplished another masterpiece. All we had to do was just be there.  Whatever we are, whatever contribution we make, it is by God's brush strokes.

Every day is a new beginning with God and He can create a new you every day!!!

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