Saturday, November 29, 2014


by Danna Shirley

            I was listening to a radio program recently when the guest used the phrase “fasting the media.” It seems he and his wife made a quality decision to give up watching, reading, or listening to any media for thirty days. His point was to hopefully gain some insight as to how desensitized they had become when feeding on a diet of crime, murder, adultery, and all things negative.    
            Of course my first thought was, ‘Sounds good, if you can do it’ and I immediately dismissed it as impossible. Unfortunately, God didn’t dismiss it from my memory. He is persistent and when I awoke this morning, “fasting the media” was again dropped into my spirit. Although I tried to ignore this thought several times, I knew I would have no peace until I surrendered. I finally said, “OK, Lord, what do You want me to do?”
            I began to contemplate exactly what “fasting the media” would mean to me. I examined my life and considered all of the contact I have on a daily basis with “outside information.” I admit I am a television-aholic. My parents bought our first one when I was about five. I grew up on Mickey Mouse Club, Howdy Doody Time, and Davy Crockett. I loved Roy Rogers and Dale Evans and “Happy Trails to You.” All of these were entertaining and innocuous to my childhood. The adults were responsible and the children were obedient and always learned some kind of life lesson within the thirty-minute capsule.
            My children grew up on Family Ties (the Keetons), The Facts of Life (Blair, Jo, and Tootie), and Growing Pains (the Seavers). A slight tremor occurred during this time and a shift slowly took place from focusing on the responsible adult to dismissing the antics of the whacky teenager. These programs were still mostly innocuous but the storylines began to deal with serious subjects as real life invaded our entertainment.     
            Fast forward to today. Now it’s just me and I don’t have to monitor my children’s viewing choices anymore. However, my choices have become disturbing to say the least. I have always loved a good mystery and although some of my programs are pretty gruesome, I overlook the murder to get to the investigation, the evidence, and the DNA conclusions. Yes, I watch CSI, Crossing Jordan, The Closer, and NUMB3RS.
            In my self-examination, I also came to the conclusion that I watch a large number of reruns. Now why would I do this? I’ve seen it before. I know how it ends. Why am I wasting my time? Because its mindless entertainment and I don’t have to think, I don’t have to reflect, and I don’t have to get up off the couch and do something that I’ve been putting off for twelve years. In other words, I’m entertained!
            Now, back to “fasting the media.” I bargained with God this morning. OK, Lord, if you want me to “fast,” I’ll try it for a day and see how I do. He laughed! I tried again. OK, Lord, I think I can “fast” for one week but I’m going to need Your help every minute of every hour of every day. He totally agreed!
            Now for my game plan. This is what I believe “fasting the media” will mean for me. 

What I will do...
·        Read my Bible, pray, meditate on the Word, and seek God. 
·        Read some of the many books I have put on my bookshelf unopened.
·        Make phone calls, write letters (or e-mails) to friends, and work on my hobby—WRITING!
·        Clean my house, garage, attic, etc. and complete some of my many unfinished projects that have been left undone due to the fact that I have been sitting in front of my television being entertained!

What I will not do...
·        Read newspapers – I don’t subscribe to one anyway.
·        Listen to the radio – I will only listen to my praise and worship CD’s when not otherwise occupied.
·        Watch television – period! I will watch only one movie a day, however, from my video archive and it must be something positive, uplifting, and inspirational.
·        Open junk mail – I will open only personal letters or monthly bills.
·        Open junk e-mails – I will open only personal e-mails or monthly bills. I will NOT open any “Forwards” or “You’ve got to read this one!” or “Add your name to the bottom and send to ten people.”
·        Play Spider Solitaire or Free Cell – also mindless entertainment!

The Rest of the Story:
            First I would like to state the conclusions of the radio program guest. After one month of no negative input, coming back to the media was a culture shock. The former reports of mayhem which had become routine, were now overwhelmingly devastating to their spirits.
            Prior to my “media fast” my television viewing had become complacent. I was feeding my spirit and my mind things that no longer troubled or disturbed me. I was desensitized to say the least. I also admit that I did not fully keep my above “wills” and “will nots” as I had planned to do.

What happened to me just one week later:
            After only one day, I was invited to the movies with my daughter and we watched a PG-13 movie called “Next” starring Nicholas Cage. It was action-packed with a few murders here and there, which I didn’t even notice.
            After four days, my daughter said she had a movie rental that I might like to watch before it was due back at the video store. “Rocky Balboa” was rated PG-13. How bad could it be? I thought.  There was no sex, no language to speak of, just a boxing match, but blow after blow, and blood spurt after blood spurt, brought such distress to my spirit that I had to shut my eyes. I had failed to keep one of my own promises—nothing but “positive, uplifting, and inspirational.”
            After five days, I decided to watch my allotted two hours of entertainment time with TCC (The Church Channel). Every guest shared the love of God and Jesus Christ, shared how God called them into their ministry, shared the positive results of God’s hand on their lives. For the first time in a very long time I was touched with tears by the Holy Spirit and went through several tissues. I was no longer hardened, complacent, or desensitized. I was beginning to soften as I drew closer to God and the closer I got the more hungry and thirsty I became.   
            I decided to fast my eating as well, which lasted almost three days. His awesome presence carried me through without cravings and without cheating. It is hard to describe the change that God has made in my mind, my will, and my emotions but it has been a humbling experience. 
            My “media fast” was complete on Thursday evening (May 31st)  but on Friday morning I awoke with no desire to eat or watch television and even when I finally tuned in later in the day, nothing was interesting enough to draw me back to where I had been just one week earlier. Food and television were on the back burner and the pilot light was out!
            Then Sunday arrived and it was AWESOME!!! It began with a video lesson by Beth Moore in my Sunday School class:  Breaking Free—Making Liberty in Christ a Reality in Life. Everything she spoke seemed to be just for me. Then I moved straight into the worship service and the presence of God was so strong that I cried through most of the songs in utter humiliation and repentance. After all of this, the pastor’s sermon title was, The Presence of God! Again I felt it was just for me.
            This entire experience with God began when he dropped the phrase “fasting the media” in my spirit. I tried to ignore Him, I really didn’t want any part of it, but I’m so thankful that God was persistent. If I hadn’t listened, I would have missed this whole awesome week in His presence. He got my attention and my life has been changed. 
            Dear God, help me not to drift, to fail, or to falter as I desire Your Holy Presence continually in my life. Amen!

June 3, 2007

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