Sunday, November 30, 2014


by Danna Shirley

            My paternal grandmother lived to be 93. My father lived to be 89. My mother is still living at 95. I am 66 and I’m already worn out. Longevity can be wonderful if your mind and body can keep up with the years but what if they’ve already checked out and your years keep on ticking. The older I become, the more I realize that longevity isn’t for the weak.
I have a hiatal hernia, high blood pressure, and dry eyes. I have carpal tunnel in my wrists, a degenerative disk in my neck, pain across my shoulders, arthritis in my lower back, and bursitis in my hips. My feet have never worked right.
I've gained a lot of weight and I can't exercise or even walk to take it off because my body hurts so much. I joined a Zumba Gold class at our senior center and only lasted a few weeks . . . my hips only lasted a few minutes.
I signed up to receive Dr. Oz’s “RealAge®” emails. They are very informative but how can anyone afford to follow his advice, especially on a fixed income. If I bought every supplement and all the food he recommends to keep healthy, I would be broke in a month, plus I would probably have indigestion to boot.
·     What happened to that natural blond teenager who could dance the twist and the jerk and the pony all night long and not even breathe hard?
·     What happened to that wrinkle-free, enthusiastic newlywed just getting started in life?
·     What happened to that box-blond young mother raising three children?
·     What happened to that volunteer-minded woman who could juggle marriage, work, church, school activities, and still come home and have a meal on the table for her family?
·     What happened to that middle-aged widowed grandmother who had come through the grieving process and made it to the other side with her heart and mind intact?

So what is the answer?
Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor 6:19-20).
God made them and He knows how to heal them.
Therefore, I hereby resolve to practice . . .
moderation!              restraint!                    self-control!
discipline!                 willpower!                 determination!
strength!                    endurance!                patience!


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